98 Funny Jokes About Boxing That Will Make Your Day

We have gathered 98 funny boxing jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best boxing puns to cheer you up. These boxing jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these boxing one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Boxing Puns

Puns About Boxing

Here is the list of the best boxing puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about boxing, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of boxing!

  1. Why did the boxer bring a ladder to the fight? Because he wanted to take it to the next level!
  2. How do you organize a space-themed boxing match? You planet!
  3. Why don’t boxers ever tell secrets? Because they can’t keep anything inside the ring!
  4. What did the boxing coach say to the punch-drunk boxer? “You’re a hit at every party!”
  5. When does a boxer go to sleep? When it’s time for a knockout nap!
  6. Why was the boxer always so calm? Because he had great inner peace!
  7. What do you call a boxer who can’t stop telling jokes? Punchline!
  8. How do boxers stay cool in the summer? They use their corner fans!
  9. What’s a boxer’s favorite type of music? Punch rock!
  10. What do you call a boxer who loves to garden? A knockout rose enthusiast!
  11. Why did the boxer carry a pencil to the match? In case he had to draw blood!
  12. How do you describe a boxer’s favorite movie? It’s a real knock-out!
  13. Why did the boxer bring a ladder to the fight? He wanted to hit new heights!
  14. How do you know a boxer is a dog lover? He always goes for the bark!
  15. What did the boxer say to the punching bag? “You’re such a softie!”
  16. Why was the boxer always in a hurry? He couldn’t stand still – he had to be punchy!
  17. What do you call a boxer’s favorite food? A knockout punch!
  18. How does a boxer apologize? He says, “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to punch you in the face!”
  19. Why do boxers make terrible chefs? They can’t stop throwing punches!
  20. What do you call a boxer’s favorite shoes? Knockout boots!
  21. How did the boxer prepare for his fight? He had a hearty breakfast – a one-two punch!
  22. What do you call a boxer who’s also a musician? A punchline composer!
  23. Why did the boxer bring a broom to the match? He wanted to sweep the competition!
  24. How do boxers send messages? They punch out a text!
  25. Why did the boxer become a gardener? He wanted to grow some knockout roses!
  26. What’s a boxer’s favorite dessert? A one-two punch of chocolate cake!
  27. Why did the boxer go to the beach? He wanted to work on his sand-bagging skills!
  28. How do you make a boxer laugh? Tell him a punchline!
  29. Why did the boxer become a comedian? He had a knack for punchlines!
  30. How do boxers stay cool in the ring? They use their corner fans!
  31. What’s a boxer’s favorite board game? Punch-opoly!
  32. Why did the boxer go to the bakery? He heard they had the best punch cake!
  33. How do boxers communicate with aliens? They send a punch signal!
  34. Why was the boxer always so relaxed? Because he had knockout relaxation techniques!
  35. What do you call a boxer who loves art? A punchicasso!
  36. How do boxers stay informed? They read the punch line in the news!
  37. Why do boxers make terrible detectives? They always jump to conclusions!
  38. What’s a boxer’s favorite type of comedy? Punch-line humor!
  39. Why did the boxer become a gardener? He had a knockout green thumb!
  40. How do you describe a boxer’s sense of humor? It’s always a hit!
  41. What did the boxer say to the boxing gloves? “You’ve really got me covered!”
  42. Why did the boxer go to the bank? He wanted to punch in his PIN number!
  43. How do you make a boxer stop telling jokes? Punchline intervention!
  44. Why was the boxer always in demand at parties? Because he was a real hit man!
  45. What do you call a boxer who loves to dance? A punch-a-dancer!
  46. How did the boxer fix his broken computer? He gave it a one-two punch!
  47. Why did the boxer bring a dictionary to the fight? In case he needed to spell out his victory!
  48. How do you make a boxer smile? Throw him a punchline!
  49. Why did the boxer become a magician? He wanted to pull off the ultimate disappearing act!
  50. How do you describe a boxer’s sense of style? It’s a real knockout fashion!

Boxing One Liners

Boxing One Liners

Here is our top list of boxing one liners. Find your favorite one liner about boxing, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Boxing is the only sport where you can get your ears in a twist.
  2. I asked my boxing coach if I should fight southpaw. He said, ‘Nah, just fight the guy in front of you.’
  3. Why did the boxer bring a ladder? Because he wanted to go for a high five!
  4. Boxers have a knockout sense of humor – it’s a real punchline factory.
  5. I told my opponent I’d beat him with my eyes closed. He said, ‘That’s a punchline I can’t see coming.’
  6. In boxing, they say ‘Keep your guard up.’ In life, it’s ‘Keep your card up.
  7. I thought about becoming a boxer, but I didn’t want to get into too many ‘knotty’ situations.
  8. Boxers have the best bedtime stories – they’re always about getting to the final round!
  9. Why did the boxer start a garden? He wanted to throw some ‘haymakers’!
  10. I asked my trainer for advice on dealing with tough opponents. He said, ‘Just punch above your weight.’
  11. Boxers are great at multitasking – they can throw a left hook and check their phone at the same time.
  12. I told my friend I was going to be a boxer. He said, ‘Don’t worry; I’ll be in your corner.’
  13. Why did the boxer go to the art gallery? He heard they had some ‘canvas’backs!
  14. Boxers love coffee because it’s a real ‘mug’s’ game.
  15. I asked my boxing coach if I should work on my uppercut. He said, ‘Nah, just stick to chin-ups.’
  16. Why do boxers make great party planners? Because they know how to throw a punch!
  17. Boxing is like life – it’s not about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep smiling.
  18. I tried to tell a boxing joke, but it was a real ‘swing and a miss.’
  19. In boxing, you learn to bob and weave – just like avoiding Monday morning meetings.
  20. I wanted to be a boxer, but I heard the pay was just a bunch of ‘cents’!
  21. Boxers are the real experts at ‘roll with the punches.’
  22. I asked the boxer if he was good with numbers. He said, ‘Yeah, I can count to ten – and then some.’
  23. Boxing is all about timing – just like hitting the snooze button.
  24. I told my friend I was going to a boxing match. He said, ‘Be sure to bring your ‘punch’ card!’
  25. Why do boxers make terrible chefs? Because they can’t stop throwing ‘jabs’ in the kitchen!
  26. I asked the boxer how he stays so calm before a fight. He said, ‘I just ‘punch’ out my nerves.’
  27. Boxing is like life – you have to roll with the ‘punch’lines.
  28. I told my opponent he couldn’t hit me with a beach ball. He said, ‘Challenge accepted.’
  29. Why did the boxer bring a backpack to the fight? In case he had to ‘pack’ a punch!
  30. Boxers make great meteorologists – they’re experts at predicting ‘heavy showers’ of punches.
  31. I asked the boxing referee if he had any job openings. He said, ‘We’re not hiring; we’re ‘ring’ing.’
  32. Boxing is like a puzzle – you have to find the right ‘combination.
  33. I tried to tell a boxing joke, but it was a real ‘hit and miss’ situation.
  34. Why don’t boxers play hide and seek? Because they always get ‘found’ out!
  35. I asked the boxer how he relaxes after a tough match. He said, ‘I take a ‘jab’ in the pool.
  36. Boxers are the real artists – they ‘paint’ their canvas with punches.
  37. I told my friend I was going to watch a boxing match. He said, ‘Don’t forget your ‘ring’ side seat!’
  38. Why did the boxer become a gardener? Because he wanted to ‘plant’ a knockout punch!

10 Best Boxing Jokes

Best Boxing Jokes

These special boxing jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about boxing!

  1. Why don’t boxers ever get lost? Because they always follow the right hook!
  2. What did the boxer say to his opponent’s shoelaces? “You’re going down!”
  3. Why do boxers make great gardeners? Because they know how to plant a solid punchline!
  4. How did the boxer fix his computer? He gave it a jab and a right-click!
  5. Why was the boxing gym always crowded? Because everyone wanted to “weigh in” on the fun!
  6. What’s a boxer’s favorite type of weather? A little punch of rain!
  7. Why did the boxer become a musician? Because he could really “beat” the drums!
  8. What do you call a boxing match in a bakery? A “bun-ch of punches”!
  9. How do boxers like to do math? They use “punch-drunk” numbers!
  10. Why did the boxer bring a ladder to the fight? He wanted to take his opponents to new heights, literally!

10 Funny Facts about Boxing

Funny Facts About Boxing

Here are some funny and interesting facts about boxing.

  1. Boxing gloves were originally leather bags filled with horsehair. Imagine getting punched by a fluffy pillow!
  2. The longest boxing match in history lasted for 110 rounds, taking over seven hours. It was probably longer than your average workday!
  3. In the early 20th century, some boxing matches used to take place on barges. Talk about a floating fight night!
  4. Boxers have to wear different colored shorts in the ring. It’s not for fashion; it’s so the judges can tell them apart.
  5. Muhammad Ali wrote poems about his opponents before fights. He was the original “rhyme-spittin’ fighter.”
  6. Boxing was one of the first sports to be included in the Olympics, way back in 1904. They’ve been throwing punches for gold ever since!
  7. The first boxing match on record took place in 1681. Back then, they didn’t have fancy gloves – just bare-knuckle brawling!
  8. In the 18th century, boxing matches used to be held in London’s coffeehouses. A latte and a left hook, anyone?
  9. The heaviest boxing champion in history was Nikolai Valuev, who weighed over 320 pounds. That’s one big champ!
  10. Mike Tyson once offered a zookeeper $10,000 to let him fight a gorilla. Thankfully, that match never happened – the gorilla probably had a mean left hook!

Final Thoughts

We hope these boxing jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of sports jokes.

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.