100 Funny Friend Jokes That Will Cheer You Up

We have gathered 100 funny friend jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best friend puns to cheer you up. These friend jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these friend one-liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family-friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Friend Puns

Friend Puns

Here is the list of the best friend puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about friendship, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of friends!

  1. Why did the scarecrow become best friends with the cornstalk? They both had a field day together!
  2. I told my computer I needed more friends. Now it keeps saying, “You’ve got mail… a lot of it!”
  3. What do you call a group of musical friends? Harmony buddies!
  4. My friend is so good at math, they’re my “sum-buddy” for life!
  5. Did you hear about the bicycle and the tire? They’re such close friends, they’re always wheel-y tight!
  6. Friends who share snacks are called “munchies mates.” Pass the chips, please!
  7. Why did the smartphone go to therapy? It had too many dropped connections with its friends!
  8. We used to be pencils, but now we’re pens. Why? We decided to ink-vite change into our friendship!
  9. What do you call friends who love to hike? Trail buddies who are always up for an adventure!
  10. My friend became a gardener to nurture our friendship. Now it’s blossoming like crazy!
  11. Why did the music notes become friends? They heard they had the same key interests!
  12. When my friend opened a bakery, our bond became even more “dough-lightful”!
  13. My friend and I are so close, that we finish each other’s sandwiches. Oops, I meant sentences!
  14. What do you call friends who are excellent at problem-solving? “Brainstorm buddies” for sure!
  15. Did you hear about the friends who started a band in a fruit garden? They’re now known as “The Berry Good Harmonies!
  16. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw its friend dressing up for salsa night!
  17. My friend is a baker, and our friendship is the best thing since sliced bread!
  18. Why do friends go to art class together? So they can draw each other closer!
  19. I asked my friend if they could loan me some electricity. They said, “Sure, just plug into our friendship!
  20. Did you hear about the friends who started a plumbing business? They’ve got some serious pipe-lining chemistry!
  21. My friend’s a comedian and I’m their number one “joke-llector.” We’ve got a pun-tastic bond!
  22. Why did the broom and mop become best friends? They swept each other off their feet!
  23. My friend’s a firefighter, and our friendship is as strong as their water hose!
  24. What do you call friends who love to cook? Flavor buddies who always spice things up!
  25. Did you hear about the friends who are actors? They’ve got a script for keeping their friendship drama-free!
  26. My friend and I are like salt and pepper – we add flavor to each other’s lives!
  27. Why did the camera and tripod start a podcast? They wanted to capture their friendship’s best angles!
  28. What do you call friends who are into astronomy? “Starry pals” who love to space out together!
  29. My friend’s a beekeeper, and our friendship is sweeter than honey!
  30. Why did the watch and the clock become friends? They realized that every second counts in friendship!
  31. What do you call friends who love to exercise? “Workout buddies” who are always up for a sweat session!
  32. My friend’s a tailor, and our friendship is sew far sew good!
  33. Why did the tree and the squirrel become friends? They had a knack for branching out together!
  34. What do you call friends who are magicians? “Abracadabra amigos” who make their bond magical!
  35. My friend and I are like shoes – we may be different, but we always walk the same path!
  36. Why did the paper and pen become friends? They had a “write” connection from the start!
  37. What do you call friends who love to fish? “Reel buddies” who know how to tackle friendship!
  38. My friend’s a gardener, and our friendship blooms brighter with each passing day!
  39. Why did the pillow and blanket become best friends? They loved to snuggle up together!
  40. What do you call friends who are bakers? “Rolling pals” who know how to rise together!
  41. My friend and I are like puzzle pieces – we fit together perfectly!
  42. Why did the sun and moon become friends? They realized that their different shine times complemented each other!
  43. What do you call friends who love to read? “Bookworm buddies” who always have a novel idea for fun!
  44. My friend’s a chef, and our friendship is seasoned with lots of laughter!
  45. Why did the hammer and nail become friends? They knew how to nail the art of bonding!
  46. What do you call friends who love to travel? “Wanderlust buddies” who explore the world together!
  47. My friend and I are like paint and canvas – we create colorful memories together!
  48. Why did the toothbrush and toothpaste become friends? They knew the importance of freshening up their bond!
  49. What do you call friends who love stargazing? “Constellation companions” who enjoy the night sky together!
  50. My friend’s a pilot, and our friendship soars higher with every shared adventure!

Friend One Liners

Friend One Liners

Here is our top list of friend one liners. Find your favorite one liner about a friend, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Friends are like stars – you might not always see them, but you know they’re there.
  2. Friends don’t let friends do silly dances alone.
  3. Friends: the family you get to choose, and sometimes regret choosing.
  4. True friends don’t judge each other’s questionable life choices… too much.
  5. Friends are the people you can be weird with, and they’ll be weird right back.
  6. A friend in need is a friend who probably forgot their umbrella again.
  7. Friends are the people who make your problems feel like their problems too.
  8. Friends are like snowflakes – unique, but they all disappear when it gets too warm.
  9. Friends: the ones who listen to your crazy stories and then add their own wild twists.
  10. Friendship is finding someone who hates the same things you do.
  11. A friend is someone who knows all your secrets and still wants to hang out with you.
  12. Friends are the reason you can never have too many embarrassing photos.
  13. Friends don’t let friends text their exes… without proofreading first.
  14. A best friend is like a four-leaf clover – hard to find, but lucky to have.
  15. Friends: the ones who tolerate your terrible singing just for the laughs.
  16. A real friend is someone who thinks you’re a good egg, even if you’re slightly cracked.
  17. Friends are the people who laugh at your jokes, no matter how bad they are.
  18. Best friends: the ones you can be silent with and still have a blast.
  19. Friends: the ones who know the passwords to your WiFi and your heart.
  20. True friendship is when your friend’s house feels like a second home.
  21. Friends are like chocolate – you can never have just one.
  22. A friend will help you move; a true friend will help you move a body.
  23. Friends: the ones who remember your embarrassing moments better than you do.
  24. True friends are the ones who send you the weirdest memes at 2 a.m.
  25. Friends don’t let friends wear bad outfits… unless they’re in on the joke.
  26. A friend is someone who can finish your sentences but still lets you talk.
  27. Friends are the reason “group chat” exists… and never sleeps.
  28. A good friend knows all your best stories; a best friend has lived them with you.
  29. Friends: the ones who support your crazy dreams, no matter how unrealistic.
  30. True friends give you honest advice, even when it’s about your terrible haircut.
  31. A friend is someone who always has your back – especially during photoshoots.
  32. Friends are the people who make your face hurt by smiling too much.
  33. A friend is someone who lets you be yourself but still calls you out on it.
  34. Friends: the ones who can turn the most mundane activity into an adventure.
  35. A best friend is someone you can call at 3 AM… and they’ll answer with, “What did you do now?”
  36. Friends are the reason your phone‘s photo album is filled with random nonsense.
  37. A true friend lends you their umbrella and remembers to bug you for it back.
  38. Friends are the people who make you snort-laugh in public places.
  39. A friend will bail you out of jail; a true friend will be in there with you.
  40. Friends: the ones who make your life a sitcom, even if it’s just for a moment.

10 Best Friend Jokes

Best Friend Jokes

These special friend jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about friends!

  1. Why did the computer go to therapy? It had too many unresolved friendship issues with its mouse!
  2. What do you call a group of friends who love solving puzzles? “Pieceful” companions!
  3. Why did the tomato turn red while hanging out with the lettuce? It saw the salad dressing up for a laugh!
  4. What do you get when you cross a couch with a table? A great place for friends to “chair” their thoughts!
  5. Why did the Clock and Calendar start a podcast? They had the best “time” sharing their friendship stories!
  6. What do you call friends who always make each other laugh? “Comedy comrades” with a side of giggles!
  7. Why did the smartphone and charger become best friends? They had a real “charge” of bonding!
  8. What did the painting say to its frame? “Thanks for always supporting me, friend!”
  9. Why did the pencil go to school even though it didn’t need to? It wanted to be best friends with the eraser!
  10. What do you call friends who are experts at planting flowers? “Blossom buddies” who grow their friendship!

10 Funny Facts about a Friend

Funny Facts About Friends

Here are some funny and interesting facts about friendship.

  1. Friends are like WiFi – you can’t see them, but when they’re gone, life gets really confusing.
  2. If you and your friend were both zombies, you’d probably still have the most exciting conversations.
  3. Friends are the only people who can call you at 3 AM and still be welcomed with, “Guess what I did today!”
  4. Friendship is the only ship that doesn’t need a life jacket – it sails smoothly through all the waves of life.
  5. When a friend says, “I’ll be there in five minutes,” just add a few hours to calculate their true arrival time.
  6. The best friends can read your mind, but they’ll still ask, “Are you okay?” just to watch you try to explain.
  7. If you want to test a friendship, play a game of Monopoly together – see who’s still smiling at the end!
  8. Friends are the people who know all your secrets, and yet you still invite them over for pizza.
  9. If someone claims they have too many friends, they’re probably just collecting contacts on social media.
  10. Friends are the reason we have screenshots – to remind each other of that time we said something ridiculous.

Final Thoughts

We hope these friend jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.