100 Funny Phone Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny phone jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best phone puns to cheer you up. These phone jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these phone one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Phone Puns

Puns About Phone

Here is the list of the best phone puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about the phone, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of the phone!

  1. Why did the smartphone go to therapy? It had too many issues!
  2. What did one phone say to the other? “Can you hear me now?”
  3. Why don’t phones ever get lost? Because they always have a good “connection”!
  4. What’s a smartphone’s favorite game? Hide and seek – it’s always hiding in your pocket!
  5. How do smartphones apologize? They say, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drop your call!”
  6. Why was the phone running a fever? It caught a “virus!
  7. What do you call a phone that’s been through a lot? Well-“connected”!
  8. Why did the smartphone go to school? It wanted to improve its “cell-f” esteem!
  9. How do smartphones stay cool? They use “airplane mode”!
  10. Why did the phone break up with the charger? It found someone “more connected”!
  11. What did one smartphone say to the other at the party? “Wanna sync up and dance?
  12. Why was the smartphone cold? It left its “jacket” in the other pocket!
  13. What’s a phone’s favorite dessert? Apple “pie!
  14. Why did the smartphone blush? Because it saw the other phone’s “wallpaper”!
  15. What’s a smartphone’s favorite movie genre? “Contact”!
  16. Why did the phone bring a ladder? It wanted to make a “call” drop!
  17. What did the phone say after a workout? “I’m feeling charged up!”
  18. Why did the smartphone apply for a job? It wanted to get a “cell-f” employed!
  19. What do you call a phone that’s always late? “Delayed”!
  20. Why did the phone go to the doctor? It had too many “dead” spots!
  21. What do you call a phone that’s good at math? A “calculator” phone!
  22. Why did the smartphone go to the gym? It wanted to improve its “cell-f” image!
  23. What did one phone say to another during the argument? “Don’t hang up on me!”
  24. Why did the phone go to the beach? It wanted to catch some “waves!
  25. What’s a phone’s favorite song? “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake!
  26. Why did the smartphone go to the chef? It wanted to learn how to make “good connections”!
  27. What do you call a phone that can’t stop sneezing? “Achoo-ber”!
  28. Why was the phone excited? It got a “ringing” endorsement!
  29. What’s a smartphone’s favorite dance move? The “Bluetooth boogie”!
  30. Why did the phone get glasses? It wanted to improve its “cell-f” perception!
  31. What did the phone say to the charger? “You complete me!”
  32. Why was the smartphone a great athlete? It had “cell-f” discipline!
  33. What’s a phone’s favorite magic trick? “Disappearing bars!
  34. Why did the phone get an award? It had a “stellar” performance!
  35. What’s a smartphone’s favorite hobby? “Text-trekking”!
  36. Why did the smartphone go to school early? It wanted to be “fully charged” for class!
  37. What’s a phone’s favorite type of music? Anything with a “good connection!
  38. Why did the phone go to space? It wanted to make a “universal call!
  39. What’s a smartphone’s favorite game console? “Cell-f” of Duty!
  40. Why was the phone always calm? It practiced “cell-f” control!
  41. What do you call a phone that tells jokes? A “funny call”!
  42. Why did the smartphone go to the art gallery? It wanted to see some “pixel” art!
  43. What’s a phone’s favorite outdoor activity? “Data hiking”!
  44. Why did the phone go to the gym twice a day? It wanted a “double signal”!
  45. What do you call a phone that loves rain? A “cell-f” of water!
  46. Why did the smartphone apply for a loan? It wanted to “upgrade” its lifestyle!
  47. What’s a smartphone’s favorite subject? “Social studies”!
  48. Why did the phone apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to “dough-cument” its success!
  49. What do you call a phone that’s great at telling stories? “Cell-f” narrative!
  50. Why did the smartphone start gardening? It wanted to “grow” its network!

Phone One Liners

Phone One Liners

Here is our top list of phone one liners. Find your favorite one liner about the phone, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. My phone is like my best friend – it’s always there when I need it, and it never judges my selfies.
  2. Phones these days are so smart, I’m just waiting for mine to start solving world problems.
  3. My phone battery and I have one thing in common: we both hate Mondays.
  4. I finally found the key to happiness – it’s the Wi-Fi password.
  5. My phone’s autocorrect is like that friend who can’t help but embarrass you in public.
  6. The gym is my second home – my phone auto-connects to its Wi-Fi.
  7. I told my phone a joke, but it didn’t laugh. It’s clearly not in a good reception mood.
  8. My phone is the only thing that understands my need for late-night snacks and cat videos.
  9. I’d give up coffee, but I’m not sure my phone can handle the withdrawal.
  10. My phone is like a detective – it knows more about me than I do.
  11. I asked my phone for directions. Now I’m in a cornfield, and it just says, “Recalculating.”
  12. My phone is like a toddler – it throws tantrums if I don’t give it enough attention.
  13. My phone’s alarm tone should win an award for scaring me awake every morning.
  14. My phone is my personal weatherman – it tells me if it’s going to be a bad hair day.
  15. I talk to my phone like it’s a therapist. It hasn’t charged me yet, so I guess I’m good.
  16. I accidentally dropped my phone, and it sounded like it screamed. I think I need a break from horror movies.
  17. My phone’s storage is a lot like my brain – always full of memes and random thoughts.
  18. My phone battery dies faster than my motivation at the gym.
  19. My phone’s screen is cracked, but it’s holding on – just like my life.
  20. I have a love-hate relationship with my phone. Sometimes I’m swiping right, sometimes I’m throwing it across the room.
  21. My phone’s predictive text is basically my spirit animal – it thinks it knows what I’m saying, but it’s usually wrong.
  22. I have trust issues because my phone’s battery percentage lies to me.
  23. I’ve mastered the art of walking and texting without crashing into things… most of the time.
  24. My phone’s screen is so cracked, that even the spider web emoji feels sorry for it.
  25. My phone is like a toddler with separation anxiety – it can’t handle being away from me for too long.
  26. My phone’s camera roll is a timeline of my failed attempts at cooking.
  27. My phone’s charger is the leash that keeps me from wandering too far from an outlet.
  28. I asked my phone for advice, and it suggested turning it off and on again. Thanks, life coach.
  29. My phone is my personal DJ, and it plays the same song until I can’t stand it anymore.
  30. My phone’s battery drains faster than my enthusiasm during a long meeting.
  31. My phone’s face recognition works better on my dog than it does on me.
  32. I’m convinced my phone has a mind of its own – it always starts playing music when I’m in the quietest place.
  33. I wish my phone had a “find my keys” feature because that’s what I lose most often.
  34. My phone and I have a mutual understanding: it pretends to have a low battery when I want to leave a boring conversation.
  35. My phone’s notification sound should win an award for causing instant panic.
  36. My phone is the ultimate truth serum – it knows all my guilty pleasures and embarrassing searches.
  37. I don’t need a personal assistant – I have Siri, who still can’t understand my accent.
  38. My phone is the only one who truly gets me – it’s seen all my questionable selfies.
  39. I accidentally dropped my phone on my face while lying down. It’s a wake-up call in more ways than one.
  40. My phone’s storage is like my life: filled with memories, junk, and a few things I probably should delete.

10 Best Phone Jokes

Best Phone Jokes

These special phone jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about phones!

  1. Why did the smartphone go to therapy? It had too many “app”rehensions!
  2. What did the phone say to the Wi-Fi? “Are you feeling connected today or should I call tech support?”
  3. Why did the flip phone apply for a job? It wanted to “cell-f” upgrade its career!
  4. What do you call a smartphone that’s always in a hurry? An “excellerator”!
  5. Why did the phone blush? Because it saw the charger’s “plug” and got all “charged” up!
  6. What’s a smartphone’s favorite dance move? The “signal shuffle”!
  7. How do smartphones stay cool in summer? They hang out in “airplane mode”!
  8. Why did the phone attend music school? It wanted to learn how to “ring” in harmony!
  9. What’s a smartphone’s favorite part of a song? The “chorus” of vibrations!
  10. Why did the smartphone apply for a loan? It wanted to buy a bigger “data plan” for its dreams!

10 Funny Facts About Phones

Funny Facts About Phone

Here are some funny and interesting facts about phones.

  1. Did you know that some phones have more computing power than the Apollo 11 spacecraft that landed on the moon? Guess they’re ready for an out-of-this-world conversation!
  2. Back in the day, the first mobile phones were so heavy that you practically needed a gym membership just to carry them around. Hello, bicep curls!
  3. Ever noticed how your phone’s battery percentage drops faster than a character’s health bar in a video game? Maybe it’s training for a marathon!
  4. Smartphones can recognize your face, but they still can’t tell if you’re wearing glasses or not. Sometimes even the smartest gadgets need an eye exam.
  5. The average person checks their phone about 150 times a day. If only there were a way to turn this into an Olympic sport!
  6. The world’s most expensive phone costs more than a small island. Imagine getting a “no service” message on that thing!
  7. Mobile phones have more bacteria on them than toilet seats. Looks like we’ve been swapping germs with our gadgets more than we realized.
  8. Your phone probably has more computing power than all of NASA back in 1969. They went to the moon; we’re just scrolling through cat videos.
  9. In 1983, the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X was the first commercial mobile phone. But its nickname “The Brick” sounds more like a construction project than a communication device!
  10. The first text message was sent in 1992, and it said “Merry Christmas.” It’s like our phones have been sending festive greetings ever since, even if it’s just with emojis now!

Final Thoughts

We hope these phone jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.