100 Funny Pie Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny pie jokes, one liners, and the best pie puns to freak you out. These pie jokes are great for both kids and adults to enjoy! All of these pie one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Pie

Pie Puns

Here is the list of the best pie puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about pie, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of pie!

  1. Why did the pie go to the dentist? It needed a filling!
  2. How do you fix a broken pie? With a pastry patch!
  3. Why do pies never laugh at jokes? Because they’re always too crusty!
  4. What do you call a pie that’s always ready to fight? A tough cookie!
  5. What’s a pie’s favorite movie genre? Slice of life!
  6. Why was the math book sad? It had too many pi problems!
  7. How do you compliment a pie’s outfit? You say, “You look berry nice today!
  8. What do you call a pie that’s a great singer? A real “pie-tone”!
  9. What did the apple pie say to the cherry pie? “You’re my missing slice!
  10. How do you catch a runaway pie? Use a pie trap!
  11. Why did the pie join a band? It knew how to jam!
  12. What did the pie say when it won the baking contest? “I’m on cloud pie-nine!”
  13. How do you make a pie laugh? You tickle its filling!
  14. Why was the pie cold? It left its jacket in the freezer!
  15. What do you call a pie that’s out of shape? A little “pastry”!
  16. Why did the pie bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to be a high crust!
  17. How do you know if a pie is shy? It goes crust-red when you compliment it!
  18. What’s a pie’s favorite type of musicHeavy metal!
  19. Why did the pie go to art school? It wanted to get a “pie-degrees!
  20. What do you call a pie with a crazy personality? A “fruit-loop”!
  21. How do you make a pie’s day? Give it a “peachy” compliment!
  22. What do you call a pie that’s sad? Blue-berry!
  23. Why did the pie start a fight? It had a chip on its shoulder!
  24. How do you catch a pie thief? Bake a “quiche” case!
  25. What’s a pie’s favorite game show? “The Price is Crust”!
  26. Why did the pie go to the gymIt wanted to get a good workout for its crust!
  27. How do you compliment a pie’s singing voice? You say, “You’re a real sweet-tart!”
  28. What do you call a pie that’s a great dancer? A “flaky” foot!
  29. Why did the pie get a job as a detective? It wanted to uncover crusty mysteries!
  30. How do you make a pie happy? You give it a “pie-ful” of compliments!
  31. What do you call a pie with an attitude? A tart-tastic!
  32. Why did the pie go to the baseball game? It wanted to root for the batter!
  33. How do you calm down an angry pie? You tell it to “crust” you!
  34. What’s a pie’s favorite outdoor activity? Pi-cnic!
  35. Why did the pie go to the libraryIt wanted to check out some “pie-ography” books!
  36. How do you fix a broken pie crust? With a “pastry-seal”!
  37. What do you call a pie that’s been on a diet? A slim pie-ckings!
  38. Why did the pie run for office? It wanted to make the world a “flakier” place!
  39. How do you know if a pie is a good listener? It always has an “ear” for you!
  40. What did the pie say to the cake? “You’re just a bunch of im-pie-sters!”
  41. Why did the pie go to the concert? It wanted to rock ‘n’ roll!
  42. How do you know if a pie is tired? It needs a “pastry”!
  43. What’s a pie’s favorite type of shoes? Loaf-ers!
  44. Why did the pie become a comedian? It wanted to be a real “pie-slinger”!
  45. How do you make a pie feel loved? You give it a big “crust” hug!
  46. What do you call a pie that’s a great storyteller? A pie-ographer!
  47. Why did the pie take a selfie? It wanted to capture the moment, “flaky” and all!
  48. How do you know if a pie is athletic? It always has a good “slice”!
  49. What’s a pie’s favorite type of weather? A “berry” sunny day!
  50. Why did the pie refuse to take a vacation? It didn’t want to loaf around!

Pie One Liners

Pie One Liners
Pie One Liners

Here is our top list of pie one liners. Find your favorite one liner about pie, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Pie: the delicious circle of happiness.
  2. I’m all about that crust, ’bout that crust, no treble.
  3. When life gives you lemons, make lemon meringue pie.
  4. Pie is the answer, no matter what the question is.
  5. Pies are like hugs you can eat.
  6. Pies: the real superheroes wearing a delicious crust cape.
  7. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy pie, and that’s kind of the same thing.
  8. Pie: the dessert that completes me.
  9. Want to hear a secret? Pies make everything better.
  10. I’m not a mathematician, but I know pi is delicious.
  11. Pies: proof that there’s magic in the oven.
  12. Life is short. Eat the pie first.
  13. Pie is my love language.
  14. Pies: the original soul food.
  15. In a world full of desserts, be someone’s favorite pie.
  16. Keep calm and eat pie.
  17. When it doubt, pie it out.
  18. Pie: the perfect excuse for a second helping.
  19. Pies are like smiles with crusty edges.
  20. Happiness is a warm pie.
  21. Friends don’t let friends eat pie alone.
  22. Pie: the dessert that speaks directly to the heart.
  23. Pies: the ultimate comfort food on a plate.
  24. Pie is my happy place.
  25. Pies are like a little slice of heaven.
  26. You can’t be sad when you’re eating pie.
  27. Pie is the best kind of therapy.
  28. Pies: the secret ingredient in a recipe for joy.
  29. Life is uncertain, eat dessert first… especially pie.
  30. Make pie, not war.
  31. Pie: a delicious conspiracy against diets.
  32. Pies: the ultimate symbol of love and celebration.
  33. Pie: where dreams and buttery crusts come together.
  34. Pies are like edible hugs.
  35. In a world full of desserts, be a pie.
  36. Pie makes the world a better place, one slice at a time.
  37. Pies: the dessert equivalent of a warm, cozy blanket.
  38. Pie: the reason I have trust issues with just one slice.
  39. Pies: bringing people together, one delicious bite at a time.
  40. Pie: the ultimate reward for making it through the day.

10 Best Pie Jokes

Best Pie Jokes
Best Pie Jokes

These special pie jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about pie!

  1. Why did the pie go to the party? Because it heard there would be a “flan”-tastic time!
  2. What did the pumpkin pie say to the apple pie? “You’re my sweetest compie-tition!”
  3. Why did the pie become a comedian? Because it could always dish out a good “slice” of humor!
  4. How do you make a pie nervous? You put it on “bake” and watch the crust go “flaky”!
  5. What did the pie say when it won the lottery? “I’m going to be rolling in the dough… crust!”
  6. Why did the pie get a job as a detective? It wanted to uncover the “berry” mysterious filling!
  7. How do you keep a pie from running away? You “whisk-er” away its worries and offer it a delicious home!
  8. What’s a pie’s favorite dance move? The “pastry shuffle”!
  9. Why was the pie so good at math? It had a natural talent for finding the “perfect pi”!
  10. How do you know if a pie is an excellent singer? It always hits the “high crusts”!

10 Funny Facts about Pie

funny facts about pie

Here are some funny and interesting facts about pie.

  1. Did you know that pies were once used as a form of currency? People would trade pies for goods and services. Talk about a tasty economy!
  2. The world record for the largest pie ever made weighed over 28,000 pounds! That’s a whole lot of crust and filling!
  3. Pies are known to have a magical power called “crustal resonance.” When you take a bite of a pie, it can make you instantly feel happier and more satisfied.
  4. There’s a secret society called the “Pie Whisperers” who can communicate with pies. They claim to understand the language of fillings and the secrets of perfectly flaky crusts.
  5. Pie tossing is a professional sport in some countries. Contestants compete to see who can throw a pie the farthest without it falling apart. It’s like the Olympics but with dessert!
  6. Pies have been known to inspire great works of art. Some famous painters and sculptors have created masterpieces depicting the beauty and deliciousness of pies.
  7. In ancient times, pies were believed to have healing properties. People would eat pies to cure ailments and bring good luck. It’s like a tasty form of medicine!
  8. Pies are natural comedians. They have been known to make people laugh with their “crust”-worthy jokes and puns. Who knew desserts could be so funny?
  9. Pies have a secret language of their own. Each pie flavor represents a different message or emotion. It’s like a tasty code that only pie enthusiasts can decipher.
  10. Pies are the original multitaskers. They can be sweet or savory, served hot or cold, and enjoyed as a meal or dessert. Pies are versatile and always ready to satisfy your cravings!

Note: These funny facts are just for fun and not based on reality.

Final Thoughts

We hope these pie jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of food jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.

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