100 Funny Beauty Puns That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny beauty jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best beauty puns to cheer you up. These beauty jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these beauty one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Beauty Puns

Beauty Puns

Here is the list of the best beauty puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about beauty, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of beauty!

  1. Why did the makeup artist go to school? To get a brush up on her skills!
  2. I used to be into natural beauty, but then I realized mascara exists.
  3. What did one eyelash say to the other? “Bat’s the way to do it!
  4. The hairdresser felt snippy today—don’t wig out though!
  5. I asked my skincare products for advice, but they just gave me a pore response.
  6. Why did the lipstick break up with the lip liner? It couldn’t draw the line anymore.
  7. Why did the mirror blush? Because it saw the makeup case!
  8. I tried to tell a skincare joke, but it just fell flat.
  9. Beauty sleep is real—I woke up gorgeous… once!
  10. I told my makeup it was looking “foundation-al,” and it blushed.
  11. What do you call a group of well-groomed cows? Moo-tiful!
  12. My hairstylist is a cut above the rest—just like my hair now!
  13. I went to the beach and the sun complimented my tan—said it was golden!
  14. Did you hear about the hairbrush’s autobiography? It’s quite a hairy tale!
  15. What’s a makeup artist’s favorite candy? Mascara-mallows!
  16. Why did the manicure go to therapy? It had too many hangnail issues.
  17. I accidentally used permanent marker as eyeliner… now I can’t wink.
  18. What did the conditioner say to the shampoo? “I’m feeling well-conditioned today!”
  19. Why did the beauty guru carry a ladder? To reach new heights in contouring!
  20. My favorite facial expression? Smiling! It’s my foundation for a good day.
  21. Why was the highlighter invited to all the parties? It knew how to shine!
  22. What’s a nail’s favorite TV show? “The Manicure-ist”!
  23. I tried to become a model, but they told me I was too “model” for them.
  24. I tried to curl my hair with a vacuum cleaner… now it’s just dusty.
  25. What’s a lipstick’s favorite instrument? The tuba-rouge!
  26. I told my wrinkles to take a hike, but they said they were too deep-rooted.
  27. Why did the blush apply for a job? To add color to its life!
  28. I asked the mirror who was the fairest of them all. It said, “You, when you smile!”
  29. What did the hair say to the comb? “You part me in all the right ways.”
  30. Why did the eyebrow pencil get an award? For its brow-raising performance!
  31. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  32. I overheard the foundation and concealer gossiping about my blemishes.
  33. What’s a shampoo’s favorite music? Anything with good “volume!
  34. Why did the hairstylist become a gardener? She wanted to keep roots healthy!
  35. I told my makeup it was getting too clingy… but it just stuck around.
  36. What did the lipstick say to the lip gloss? “Let’s pout and shine together!”
  37. Why did the beauty queen bring a ladder? To take her tiara to the next level!
  38. I tried to contour like a pro, but my face map looked like a treasure map.
  39. What did the moisturizer say to the skin? “Let’s stay close—no dry humor!”
  40. Why did the hairstylist get arrested? She couldn’t keep her hands off hair.
  41. I told my skin it was looking “fine,” but it still felt rough about it.
  42. What’s a skincare product’s favorite exercise? Lotioning up for some “toning”!
  43. Why did the hairdryer go to therapy? It had some blowout issues.
  44. I told my nails to stop biting their nails… but they just ignored me.
  45. What do you call a bee that’s a makeup expert? A “beeauty” professional!
  46. Why did the blush feel embarrassed? Because it got cheeky!
  47. I used to hate having a unibrow, but then I realized it was “brow-raising”!
  48. What’s a hair’s favorite dance? The “tangle” twist!
  49. Why did the lipstick throw a party? To show off its many shades of fun!
  50. I told my mascara it was flaking on me… but it just brushed it off.

Beauty One Liners

Beauty One Liners

Here is our top list of beauty one liners. Find your favorite one liner about beauty, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. I put on so much moisturizer, I’m basically a slip ‘n slide.
  2. My eyebrows are sisters, not twins—more like distant cousins.
  3. My skincare routine is longer than my last relationship.
  4. I contour so much, that Google Maps asks for directions.
  5. My hair has more tangles than my headphones.
  6. I’ve mastered the art of winged eyeliner: one eye fierce, the other frightened.
  7. I tried natural makeup, but my face refused to blend in.
  8. My idea of multitasking is doing a face mask and scaring the delivery guy.
  9. I wish my wallet was as thick as my hair.
  10. My curls have more personality than I do.
  11. I thought I woke up flawless, then I saw my reflection in natural light.
  12. My lipstick collection is expanding faster than the universe.
  13. I’m not a morning person, but my concealer is.
  14. My mascara runs more than I do on a treadmill.
  15. My nails grow like they’re on a mission to break world records.
  16. My foundation’s coverage is better than my WiFi’s.
  17. I contour for the drama, but my life is pretty much sitcom level.
  18. I used to think beauty sleep was a myth—then I met my pillow.
  19. My closet has more makeup stains than clothes.
  20. My beauty routine is like my life: a little messy but full of highlights.
  21. My eyebrows are like my life: unpredictable and often in need of fixing.
  22. I’m all about that glow-up and that extra hour of sleep.
  23. My hair is my best-kept secret—and by secret, I mean tangled mess.
  24. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a mirror, asking it to behave.
  25. My lipstick choices are as bold as my WiFi password.
  26. My makeup skills are like my dancing skills: entertaining but questionable.
  27. My nail polish chips faster than my self-esteem.
  28. I take contouring so seriously, it’s practically a second career.
  29. My skincare routine is like my favorite playlist: long and totally worth it.
  30. My highlighter game is strong enough to blind satellites.
  31. I’m all about self-care and trying to remember where I left my keys.
  32. I tried to follow a makeup tutorial—and ended up with abstract art.
  33. My eyebrows are evidence that life isn’t always symmetrical.
  34. I’ve mastered the art of balancing a face mask and snacks.
  35. My lipstick choices are bold enough to make a statement, not bold enough to ask for seconds.
  36. I’m a pro at blending colors on my eyelids and avoiding responsibilities.
  37. My hair’s motto: ‘Frizz today, gone tomorrow.’
  38. I like my makeup like I like my coffee: strong and ready to face the world.
  39. My skincare routine takes longer than my phone battery to charge.
  40. I contour like Picasso—creative and slightly abstract.

10 Best Beauty Jokes

Best Beauty Jokes

These special beauty jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about beauty!

  1. Why did the lipstick go to school? It wanted to get a higher degree in “color theory”!
  2. What’s a mascara’s favorite dance? The “lash” cha-cha!
  3. Why did the hairbrush apply for a job? It wanted to have a “brush” with success!
  4. Why did the sunscreen refuse to go outside? It had too many “shady” acquaintances!
  5. What did the concealer say to the foundation? “You cover me up, but I’ve got you ‘covered’!”
  6. How do you organize a space-themed beauty contest? You “planet” carefully!
  7. Why did the nail file get in trouble? It was caught “filing” a complaint!
  8. What did the shampoo bottle say to the conditioner bottle? “You complete me, hair-sistible!”
  9. How do hairstylists stay cool? They have a lot of “fans” following them!
  10. Why did the beauty queen refuse to play cards? She didn’t want to deal with any “face” cards!

10 Funny Facts about Beauty

Funny Facts About Beauty

Here are some funny and interesting facts about beauty.

  1. Applying mascara is like trying to make tiny paintings on your eyelashes.
  2. Lipstick has a secret power—it can turn a “resting face” into a “ready for anything” face.
  3. Hairspray: the silent superhero that keeps hair in line, even on windy days.
  4. Did you know that skincare routines have inspired more bathroom dance parties than you’d think?
  5. Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Spoiler: it’s the one smiling!
  6. Beauty products have an uncanny ability to hide in plain sight, only revealing themselves when you need them least.
  7. Ever noticed how curling your lashes is like giving them a motivational speech? “You can reach new heights!”
  8. Makeup brushes: transforming faces one bristle at a time, and occasionally ending up in some unusual places.
  9. Lip gloss can double as a lip reflector, catching sunlight and beaming it back into the universe.
  10. Eyebrows: the original twins who taught us that symmetry is overrated but fabulousness isn’t.

Final Thoughts

We hope these beauty jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.