100 Funny Baseball Puns That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny baseball jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best baseball puns to cheer you up. These baseball jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these baseball one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Baseball Puns

Puns About Baseball

Here is the list of the best baseball puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about baseball, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of baseball!

  1. Why did the baseball player go to the bank? To get his shortstop!
  2. What do you call a baseball player with a cold? A foul ball!
  3. How do baseball players stay cool in the summer? They use their fans!
  4. What did one baseball glove say to the other? “Catch you later!”
  5. Why did the baseball team go to the bank? To get their pitcher’s mound of cash!
  6. What’s a baseball player’s favorite candy? Pop-flies!
  7. Why did the baseball team go to the spa? To relax their bats!
  8. What’s a pitcher’s favorite subject in school? Geometry – they love those curves!
  9. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder to the game? Because he wanted to hit a home run!
  10. How did the baseball team celebrate their victory? They had a grand slam party!
  11. What do you call a baseball player who makes bread? A “batter!
  12. Why was the baseball team always in trouble? Because they kept getting caught stealing bases!
  13. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal – they love those “base” lines!
  14. Why did the baseball player bring a pencil to the game? In case he needed to draw a base hit!
  15. What do you call a baseball player with a pet dog? A “bark”-ball player!
  16. How do you know if a baseball player is good at math? He knows how to “count” his strikes!
  17. Why don’t baseball players ever get lost? Because they always follow the diamond!
  18. What do you call a baseball player who can play the guitar? A “pitch”-perfect musician!
  19. Why did the baseball player go to the bakery? He heard they had great “bunt” cakes!
  20. What do baseball players do when they’re cold? They stand next to the heater “base”!
  21. Why did the baseball team go to the zoo? To see the “batter”-fly exhibit!
  22. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little “swing” in it, just like a baseball player!
  23. What did the baseball glove say to the ball? “You’re a real catch!”
  24. Why did the baseball player go to the art museum? He wanted to improve his “pitch”-ture!
  25. What do you call a baseball player with a green thumb? A “pitch”-fork enthusiast!
  26. Why was the baseball player always calm? Because he had great “pitch”-control!
  27. What did the baseball say to the bat? “You crack me up!
  28. Why don’t baseball players ever tell secrets? Because they don’t want to be accused of “pitching”!
  29. How do you catch a squirrel at a baseball game? Climb a tree and act like a nut!
  30. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder to the game? He heard the pitches were high!
  31. What’s a baseball player’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a good “pitch”!
  32. Why was the baseball team so good at gardening? They had a great “infield”!
  33. What did the baseball player say to the coffee? “You make me feel like a hit!
  34. Why did the baseball player go to the comedy club? To work on his “pitch”-perfect timing!
  35. What’s a baseball player’s favorite kind of comedy? Anything with a “pitch”-perfect punchline!
  36. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder to the game? Because he heard the outfield was up!
  37. What do you call a baseball player who can’t stop talking? A “pitch”-er of words!
  38. Why did the baseball player bring a suitcase to the game? He wanted to pack a punch!
  39. What’s a baseball player’s favorite board game? “Pitch”-monopoly!
  40. Why did the baseball player go to the music store? He wanted to buy a “pitch”-pipe!
  41. What’s a baseball player’s favorite fruit? A “pitch”-er of lemonade!
  42. Why did the baseball player go to the ice cream shop? To get a “pitch”-er of his favorite flavor!
  43. What do you call a baseball player with a map? A “pitch”-navigator!
  44. Why was the baseball player always happy? Because he had a “pitch”-perfect attitude!
  45. What’s a baseball player’s favorite book? “The Art of the “Pitch!
  46. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder to the game? He wanted to be on top of his “pitch”!
  47. What do you call a baseball player with a telescope? A “pitch”-spector!
  48. Why did the baseball player go to the beach? To work on his “pitch” – he wanted to make waves!
  49. What’s a baseball player’s favorite holiday? “Pitch”-mas!
  50. Why did the baseball team go to the pizza place? They heard they had great “pitch”-za!

Baseball One Liners

Baseball One Liners

Here is our top list of baseball one liners. Find your favorite one liner about baseball, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Baseball is the only place where stealing is encouraged.
  2. Why do baseball players make terrible spies? They’re always getting caught on camera.
  3. Baseball: where it’s acceptable to run in your pajamas.
  4. The only sport where “home” is the best place to be.
  5. A baseball player’s favorite type of math: is outfield geometry.
  6. If at first, you don’t succeed in baseball, you’re out!
  7. Baseball players have a way of hitting it off with everyone.
  8. In baseball, it’s all about the bases – and the bass drops at the seventh-inning stretch.
  9. Baseball players are experts at hitting things and running away.
  10. Baseball: Where “grounded” is a good thing.
  11. Baseball players always have a “ball” at work.
  12. Why do baseball players make great comedians? They know all about stand-up triples.
  13. In baseball, it’s perfectly fine to hit and run.
  14. Baseball players are the original designated hitters – for home runs!
  15. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder? To get to first base!
  16. Baseball: is the only place where spitting is a form of communication.
  17. Baseball is proof that if you build it, they will come – with hot dogs.
  18. In baseball, there are no traffic jams on the base paths.
  19. A baseball field is the only place where you’ll find a diamond and grass in the same place.
  20. Baseball players have a special talent for making slides look graceful.
  21. Why do baseball players never get lost? They always follow the diamond.
  22. In baseball, the batter’s box is the only place where you can strike out and still win.
  23. Baseball: where “caught stealing” is a crime only on the field.
  24. Baseball players have a way of making every catch a “web gem.”
  25. The only place where grand slams are more exciting than brunch.
  26. Why did the baseball player bring a broom? He wanted a clean sweep!
  27. In baseball, hitting a home run is the ultimate “fly ball.
  28. Baseball: where “extra innings” can mean extra hot dogs.
  29. Why are baseball players great at business? They know all about hitting quotas.
  30. In baseball, it’s okay to pick a fight – as long as it’s a “pickoff” attempt.
  31. Baseball players are the masters of the hidden ball trick.
  32. Baseball: where a “double play” has nothing to do with video games.
  33. Why do baseball players make terrible cooks? They can never find the plate!
  34. In baseball, “running out of gas” is just part of the game.
  35. Baseball players are the only ones who know what it’s like to get hit by a curve.
  36. Baseball: where “walk-offs” are better than walk-ins.
  37. Why did the baseball player bring a backpack? He wanted to steal some bases!
  38. In baseball, you can’t blame traffic for being late to the game.
  39. Baseball players know that sometimes you have to “bunt” your way to success.
  40. Baseball: where “tagging up” doesn’t involve social media.

10 Best Baseball Jokes

Best Baseball Jokes

These special baseball jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about baseball!

  1. Why did the baseball player bring string to the game? Because he wanted to tie the score!
  2. What did the baseball glove say to the baseball? “Catch you later, I’m taking a break!”
  3. Why was the baseball team so good at math? They had plenty of “pi”-tchers!
  4. What do you call a baseball player’s favorite type of music?Rock” and “roll” – they love those base hits!
  5. Why do baseball players make terrible chefs? Because they can’t stop throwing “spice“balls!
  6. What did the baseball player do when he found out he was traded? He “caught” the next flight to his new team!
  7. Why did the baseball player bring a ladder to the game? Because he wanted to hit a “home high”!
  8. What did the baseball say to the baseball bat during the game? “Stop hitting on me, we’re in the middle of a pitch!
  9. Why did the baseball player bring a backpack to the game? Because he wanted to steal a few “base” hits!
  10. What do you call a baseball player who can dance? A “swing” dancer!

10 Funny Facts about Baseball

Funny Facts About Baseball

Here are some funny and interesting facts about baseball.

  1. Baseballs Used to Be Handmade: Back in the day, baseballs were hand-stitched, and they had some weird shapes. Imagine trying to hit a lopsided ball!
  2. Longest Game Ever: The longest baseball game lasted for 8 hours and 6 minutes! That’s like watching three regular games back-to-back.
  3. Babe Ruth’s Hot Dogs: Baseball legend Babe Ruth once ate 12 hot dogs and drank eight sodas between a doubleheader. He sure had an appetite for more than home runs!
  4. Baseballs Are Rubbed with Mud: Before games, baseballs are rubbed with special mud from a secret location to make them less slippery. Mud pies, anyone?
  5. Broken Bats: Baseball bats break a lot. In fact, MLB players break around 150,000 bats each season. That’s a whole forest of broken dreams!
  6. The Seventh-Inning Stretch: Ever wonder why everyone stands up during the seventh inning? It’s a tradition to stretch and sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.”
  7. Shortest MLB Player: The shortest player in MLB history was Eddie Gaedel. He stood at just 3 feet and 7 inches and only had one plate appearance, where he walked on four straight pitches. Talk about a tiny strike zone!
  8. Rally Caps: When a team is losing and fans turn their hats inside out or upside down, it’s called a “rally cap.” They believe it brings good luck. Hey, whatever works!
  9. Famous Baseball Walk-Up Songs: Players choose songs to play when they step up to bat. Some unusual choices include “Baby Shark” and the theme from “The Addams Family.”
  10. Baseball Hall of Fame: Did you know that the Baseball Hall of Fame has a “Dizzy Dean” exhibit that contains a baseball with a dent from Dizzy Dean’s head? He got hit by a pitch and just kept playing!

Final Thoughts

We hope these baseball jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of sports jokes.

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.