100 Funny Flying Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny flying jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best flying puns to cheer you up. These flying jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these flying one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Flying Puns

Puns About Flying

Here is the list of the best flying puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about flying, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of flying!

  1. Why did the airplane go to school? It wanted to improve its “air-ducation”!
  2. Birds are great at telling jokes – they’ve got a “wing-ding” sense of humor!
  3. I told my friend a flying joke, but it didn’t “land” quite right.
  4. Why did the pilot break up with his GPS? It kept giving him “directional” problems!
  5. What do you call a happy airplane? A “jolly-copter”!
  6. Flying can be intense – it’s like you’re in a constant “air-ial” battle!
  7. Parachutes have a lot in common with bad jokes – they both “fall flat”!
  8. The airplane felt left out, so I gave it a “plane-tiful” compliment.
  9. What’s a flying insect’s favorite game? “Bee-ball!
  10. Helicopters are known to be drama queens – they always have “chopper” tantrums!
  11. Airplanes are great at math – they’ve got “plane” geometry down pat!
  12. What did one seagull say to the other? “Let’s go for a “fly-tea” break!
  13. How do pilots stay calm? They take “flight” lessons!
  14. Did you hear about the airplane vacation? It was out of this “sky” world!
  15. Why don’t airplanes ever get lost? They always have their “air-ways”!
  16. Birds love hanging out at the airport – they can always “wing” it!
  17. When planes tell jokes, they’re always on a “humor” plane!
  18. Why did the flying pig get a ticket? It was “ham”-pering air traffic!
  19. What’s an airplane’s favorite website? “Plane-terest,” of course!
  20. Parrots make great co-pilots – they’re “feathered” navigators!
  21. What’s a flying cat’s favorite treat? “Bird“-seed cookies!
  22. I told a flying joke to my cat, but it just “pawsed” and walked away.
  23. Why did the airplane join the gym? To stay “fly” and fit!
  24. What’s a skeleton‘s favorite way to travel? “By-scare” (biplane)!
  25. The airplane was feeling confident – it had a lot of “aero-dynamic” style!
  26. Why was the flying carpet always invited to parties? It had “magic” moves!
  27. How do you know when a joke takes off? When it gets a “sky-high” laugh!
  28. Why was the airplane’s computer cold? It left its “Windows” open!
  29. Birds tell jokes with a “tweet” delivery system!
  30. The flying squirrel had a “high-flying” reputation among its furry friends!
  31. What did the flying grape say? “Catch me if you “wine!
  32. The airplane had a busy day – it was on a “plane-tastic” adventure!
  33. What did the pilot do when he lost his watch? He kept an “eye” on the sky!
  34. Airplanes are like comedians – they’ve got a lot of “altitude”!
  35. Why was the airplane’s coffee so strong? It used “jet” fuel!
  36. What did the flying clock say to the timekeeper? “Watch me ‘fly’ by!”
  37. Why don’t birds use computers? They’re afraid of “twitter” trolls!
  38. What’s a bird’s favorite musical note? “B-flap”!
  39. The airplane’s joke was “plane-fully” hilarious – everyone was rolling on the floor!
  40. How do birds stay fit? They do “wing”-ercise!
  41. The airplane had a great attitude – it was always “uplifting”!
  42. What’s a pilot’s favorite candy? “Plane” chocolate bars!
  43. Why did the airplane go to therapy? It had some “jet-lag” issues!
  44. Flying jokes always “take off” with a bang!
  45. What do you call a flying skunk? “Air-smelly”!
  46. The airplane was confident – it knew its jokes were “fly”-approved!
  47. Why do birds make great comedians? They’ve got “fly”-crobatics!
  48. The airplane was feeling confident – it knew it had the “jet-set” look!
  49. What did the bird do on its day off? It went “tweeting” with friends!
  50. Airplanes are never late for dinner – they always “land” in time!

Flying One Liners

Flying One Liners

Here is our top list of flying one liners. Find your favorite one liner about flying, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Flying is proof that humans can defy gravity and still complain about the snacks.
  2. I’m not afraid of flying; I’m just really good at practicing my “brace for impact” face.
  3. Airplanes: where the snacks are tiny, but the turbulence is not.
  4. My favorite in-flight exercise? Trying to fit my legs in the seat pocket.
  5. The only time I can successfully sleep on a plane is during the safety demonstration.
  6. Pilots must have the best “wing”-men in the world.
  7. I don’t trust planes that don’t make me question if it’s the takeoff or an earthquake.
  8. Air travel: the art of sitting still while moving ridiculously fast.
  9. The in-flight movie is always my chance to catch up on films I didn’t want to watch.
  10. My superpower? Making babies cry on airplanes.
  11. Turbulence is nature’s way of reminding us to keep our seat belts fashionably fastened.
  12. Why do airlines call it a “non-stop” flight? As if anyone was hoping for a mid-air picnic.
  13. The only place where peanuts are a form of currency: is an airplane.
  14. Airplanes are like taxis but with wings and fewer complaints about traffic.
  15. If I had a dollar for every time I was bumped from first class, I could afford first class.
  16. Nothing says “trust” like a tiny piece of plastic keeping me from flying out of my seat.
  17. My travel motto: “I’m here for a good time, not a long time – especially on layovers.”
  18. Flight attendants should win awards for keeping straight faces during turbulence.
  19. They say flying is like riding a bike. Except the bike is 30,000 feet in the air and costs a fortune.
  20. I’m convinced that airplane air is 80% recycled sneezes.
  21. The closest thing to a magic carpet ride? The moving walkway at the airport.
  22. In-flight Wi-Fi: because you should never be too far from unproductive scrolling.
  23. Air travel is the only time I have to practice self-restraint with the snack cart.
  24. Flying with a toddler is like sharing a cabin with a tiny DJ and a live animal farm.
  25. If I had a dime for every time someone mistook the overhead bin for their personal closet…
  26. Airplanes: where you can experience breakfast in one time zone and dinner in another.
  27. They say the sky’s the limit, but my legroom begs to differ.
  28. The perfect crime? Taking the last bag of pretzels and blaming it on turbulence.
  29. I’d love to be on a private jet, as long as I can bring my carry-on luggage: anxiety.
  30. The real talent on a plane is the person who can open a bag of peanuts without causing chaos.
  31. I’m not afraid of flying; I’m afraid of suddenly finding a sock puppet on my hand.
  32. Air travel: the only place where “seatmate bonding” is a term.
  33. If life gives you lemons, trade them for a better seat on the airplane.
  34. The best in-flight exercise is trying to get out of your window seat without doing yoga.
  35. Whoever invented the “fasten seat belt” sign obviously never tried sneezing mid-flight.
  36. Airplanes have seat belts, but roller coasters don’t? Something seems upside down.
  37. The great irony of flying: spending hours getting there faster than any other mode of travel.
  38. The in-flight map should include “lost time zones” for when your body clock gives up.
  39. My carry-on strategy? Pack everything I could possibly need for every life scenario.
  40. Flying is the only time I willingly watch a “documentary” about the history of pretzels.

10 Best Flying Jokes

Best Flying Jokes

These special flying jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about flying!

  1. Why did the airplane break up with the helicopter? It couldn’t handle the constant “whirly” emotions!
  2. What do you call a bird that’s afraid to fly? A “tweet-o-phobe”!
  3. Why don’t airplanes ever gossip? Because they’re afraid of getting caught up in “air-traffic”!
  4. Why did the pilot bring a ladder to the airport? Because they heard the prices were “sky-high!
  5. What do you call a flying cow? A “moo-ver” and a “shaker!
  6. Did you hear about the flying squirrel who became a comedian? It had the audience “gliding” with laughter!
  7. How does an airplane apologize? It “air”-drops a sorry note!
  8. Why did the airplane apply for a job? It wanted to have a “high-flying” career!
  9. Why did the flight attendant bring a pencil to work? In case they needed to “draw” passengers’ attention!
  10. What’s a pilot’s favorite kind of music? Anything with “aero-bics” beats!

10 Funny Facts about Flying

Funny Facts About Flying

Here are some funny and interesting facts about flying.

  1. Did you know that the shortest commercial flight in the world lasts about as long as deciding what to watch on Netflix? It’s just 2 minutes long, going from Westray to Papa Westray in Scotland!
  2. Airlines serve about 3 million tons of peanuts each year, turning planes into giant peanut galleries!
  3. The Wright brothers, famous for inventing the airplane, could’ve flown on a modern Airbus A380 wingspan – their first flight covered only about 120 feet, but that’s just a wingtip on some planes today!
  4. There’s a pilot shortage in some places, but fear not – the world’s first female pilot’s license was issued in 1910 to Harriet Quimby, proving that women were soaring to new heights early on!
  5. Wondering about the fancy flight attendants’ hand signals during safety demonstrations? They’re not practicing for an in-flight dance-off – they’re actually pointing to important exits!
  6. If your airplane seat can act as a flotation device, think about it – you’re basically in a flying armchair with a life-saving twist!
  7. Need a nap on a long flight? Just remember, pilots often rest in secret rooms above the cabin. It’s like a game of hide-and-seek, but with fewer giggles!
  8. You know that little hole in the airplane window? It’s not there to whistle a tune – it’s actually to regulate cabin pressure, keeping your ears comfortable and window gazing worry-free!
  9. If you’re feeling hungry during a flight, remember that your taste buds are a bit on vacation too – the combination of noise and low humidity can dull your sense of taste at 30,000 feet!
  10. Ever notice how you’re not allowed to use your cell phone during takeoff and landing? It’s not because your phone will make the plane do loop-de-loops – it’s more about making sure everyone’s focused and ready for any unexpected situations!

Final Thoughts

We hope these flying jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.