100 Funny Jokes About Pizza

We have gathered 100 funny pizza jokes, one liners, and the best pizza puns to freak you out. These pizza jokes are great for both kids and adults to enjoy! All of these pizza one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Pizza

Pizza Puns
Pizza Puns

Here is the list of the best pizza puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about pizza, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of pizza!

  1. Why did the pizza maker go broke? He couldn’t make enough dough!
  2. I asked the pizza if it wanted a slice of me, and it said, “I’m all crust.”
  3. What’s a pizza’s favorite music? Deep-dish-ko!
  4. Why did the pizza maker go to art school? To learn how to draw saucy masterpieces!
  5. What did the pizza say when it won a race? “I’m on a roll!”
  6. Why did the pizza go to the doctor? It wasn’t feeling too saucy.
  7. How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste!
  8. What do you call a sleeping pizza? PiZZZa!
  9. How do you greet a pizza? “Slice to meet you!”
  10. Why did the pizza maker go to space? To deliver pizzas to the moon!
  11. What do you call a pizza that can sing? Adele-dough!
  12. Why did the pizza go to the party? It wanted to get sauced!
  13. What’s a pizza’s favorite sport? Deep-dish football!
  14. How do you make a pizza smile? Tomato paste!
  15. What do you call a pizza that plays guitar? A jammin’ dough-minant!
  16. Why did the pizza go to school? To get a little slice of knowledge!
  17. What do you call a pizza that’s running late? A procrastipizza!
  18. How do you catch a runaway pizza? With a pizza trap!
  19. Why did the pizza maker go to jail? He couldn’t keep his dough in check!
  20. What’s a pizza’s favorite type of exercise? Pizza-lates!
  21. Why did the pizza run for mayor? It knew how to deliver a good campaign!
  22. What do you call a pizza that’s a good dancer? A twistin’ tomato pie!
  23. How do you know if a pizza is shy? It keeps its toppings under cover!
  24. Why did the pizza maker become a detective? He loved solving saucy mysteries!
  25. What did the pizza say to the magician? “Make me disappear, I’m too cheesy!”
  26. What do you call a pizza that tells jokes? A cheesy comedian!
  27. Why did the pizza go to the casino? It wanted to roll the dough!
  28. How do you make a pizza laugh? Tickling its toppings!
  29. What’s a pizza’s favorite subject in school? PiZZAlogy!
  30. Why did the pizza go to the party alone? It didn’t want anyone to steal a pizza its fun!
  31. What do you call a pizza that’s a good friend? A crust buddy!
  32. Why did the pizza maker become a pilot? He wanted to soar through the crust!
  33. How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste and a slice of duct tape!
  34. What do you call a pizza that’s a good swimmer? A pizza-porpoise!
  35. Why did the pizza maker become an artist? He wanted to create saucy masterpieces!
  36. What’s a pizza’s favorite TV show? Game of Scones!
  37. How do you know if a pizza is smart? It has a lot of toppings!
  38. What do you call a pizza that’s in a band? A saucy musician!
  39. Why did the pizza go to the gym? To get a little extra cheese-ercise!
  40. What’s a pizza’s favorite type of movie? A slice-of-life drama!
  41. How do you know if a pizza is brave? It can handle the heat!
  42. What do you call a pizza that’s in love? Pepper-ronely!
  43. Why did the pizza maker become a gardener? He loved working with fresh herbs and tomatoes!
  44. How do you turn a regular pizza into a spooky pizza? Add some boo-lives!
  45. What do you call a pizza that’s an excellent writer? A topping wordsmith!
  46. Why did the pizza maker become a DJ? He knew how to spin the dough!
  47. How do you make a pizza float? Use root beer and pizza crust!
  48. What do you call a pizza with a high IQ? An egghead crust!
  49. Why did the pizza go to therapy? It had a lot of deep-dough issues!
  50. Why did the pizza maker go broke? Because he just couldn’t make enough “dough”!

Pizza One Liners

Pizza One Liners
Pizza One Liners

Here is our top list of pizza one liners. Find your favorite one liner about pizza, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. I told the pizza to be more confident, but it said it’s already a “cheesy” masterpiece.
  2. The pizza chef’s secret ingredient? Lots of love and extra cheese!
  3. My pizza jokes are never cheesy; they’re just well-dough-ted.
  4. A pizza is like a good friend – it’s always there for you when you knead it.
  5. I asked my pizza if it had any aspirations, and it said, “I just want to be saucy and delicious!”
  6. The best way to get a pizza’s attention is to “toppings” and say hello!
  7. A pizza is like a blank canvas, waiting to be topped with deliciousness.
  8. I tried to tell my pizza a joke, but it said it’s “topping” out on humor.
  9. I always feel grate-ful when I have a hot and cheesy pizza in front of me.
  10. A pizza is the perfect shape because it’s all about having a “slice” of life!
  11. Every pizza is a work of art, but instead of a paintbrush, it’s topped with deliciousness.
  12. Pizza is a universal language that brings people together, one slice at a time.
  13. When life gets tough, just remember that there’s always pizza waiting for you.
  14. My love for pizza is never thin-crust, it’s always deep-dish!
  15. Pizza is the one thing that always brings a smile to my face, no matter the toppings.
  16. The best kind of party is a pizza party, where everyone can have a slice of the fun!
  17. I always say, the cheesier the pizza, the happier the tummy!
  18. Pizza is a circle of happiness that brings joy with every bite.
  19. A pizza’s true superpower? The ability to make anyone instantly hungry.
  20. You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy pizza, and that’s pretty close!
  21. My life motto: In crust we trust!
  22. Pizza is like a delicious puzzle – you just have to figure out the perfect combination of toppings.
  23. Pizza night is the best night – no arguments, just cheesy goodness.
  24. The best way to solve a problem? Order a pizza and let the deliciousness distract you!
  25. Pizza is the ultimate comfort food; it’s like a warm hug for your taste buds.
  26. I’m a firm believer that there’s no such thing as too much cheese on a pizza.
  27. Pizza is like a good book – you can’t stop at just one slice!
  28. If you want to make a pizza disappear, just invite me over. I have magical powers!
  29. The best love triangle? Me, pizza, and a lazy Sunday evening.
  30. When it comes to pizza, there’s no such thing as leftovers – just pre-made breakfast!
  31. The best thing about pizza is that it never judges you for going back for seconds (or thirds!).
  32. Pizza is a timeless classic that never goes out of style.
  33. A pizza is like a little slice of heaven that you can hold in your hands.
  34. I don’t need a fancy restaurant; all I need is a good pizza and good company.
  35. The most important rule of pizza eating: Never share your last slice!
  36. Pizza is the great unifier – it brings people from all walks of life together.
  37. Life is too short to say no to pizza. Embrace the cheesiness!
  38. The best way to enjoy a pizza? With friends, laughter, and a side of extra sauce.
  39. A pizza is like a treasure chest
  40. Remember, the best things in life are cheesy and come in the shape of a pizza!

10 Best Pizza Jokes

Best Pizza Jokes
Best Pizza Jokes

These special pizza jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about pizza!

  1. Why did the pizza go to the art gallery? It wanted to see the “saucy” exhibits!
  2. What did the pizza say to the bicycle? “I’m a big fan of your “wheel” skills!”
  3. Why did the pizza maker become a detective? He was always great at finding the “crust” of the matter!
  4. How do you fix a broken pizza? With lots of “dough”-it-yourself skills!
  5. Why did the pizza go to the music concert? It wanted to see its favorite band, The Rolling “Scones”!
  6. What’s a pizza’s favorite game? “Dough”geball!
  7. Why did the pizza maker go to the gym? To work on his “pepperoni” strength!
  8. What’s a pizza’s favorite movie genre? “Slice”-of-life dramas!
  9. What do you call a pizza that tells funny jokes? A “cheesy” comedian!
  10. Why did the pizza maker go on a diet? He wanted to reduce his “sliced” intake!

10 Funny Facts about Pizza

Funny Facts About Pizza
Funny Facts About Pizza

Here are some funny and interesting facts about pizza.

  1. Did you know that the world’s largest pizza was as big as a football field? That’s a lot of dough to knead!
  2. Pizza has its own special day of celebration. Every February 9th is National Pizza Day, where we honor the greatness of this cheesy delight!
  3. Believe it or not, pizza delivery drivers have reported some pretty unusual requests, like asking them to draw a dinosaur on the pizza box or sing a song upon delivery!
  4. In 2017, a pizzeria in New York broke the Guinness World Record for the longest pizza ever made. It stretched over 6,333 feet long—imagine trying to fit that in your oven!
  5. Have you ever wondered why pizza boxes have those little tables inside? They’re actually called “pizza savers,” and they’re there to prevent the cheese from sticking to the lid. Clever, right?
  6. Pizza toppings can get pretty creative. People have been known to put everything from pineapple to chocolate and even marshmallows on their pizza. Some combinations might be a little questionable, though!
  7. Pizza is so popular that it even made its way to space! In 2001, a pizza delivery company worked with Russian space officials to deliver a pizza to the International Space Station. Astronauts need their pizza fix too!
  8. Pizza has its own language. When pizza makers toss the dough in the air, it’s called “pizza acrobatics” or “pizza spinning.” It takes skill to be a dough-spinning maestro!
  9. Have you ever heard of a pizza museum? In Philadelphia, there’s a museum dedicated entirely to pizza. You can learn about the history of pizza, see pizza-themed artwork, and even participate in pizza-related activities.
  10. Pizza has a way of bringing people together. In 2017, a pizzeria in New York offered a special promotion where customers could trade in their unwanted weapons for a gift card. It was a creative way to encourage peace and reduce violence.

Final Thoughts

We hope these pizza jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of food jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.

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