110 Funny Neck Jokes That Will Make You Crack Up

We have gathered 110 funny neck jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best neck puns to cheer you up. These neck jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these neck one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Neck Puns

Puns About Neck

Here is the list of the best neck puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about necks, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of necks!

  1. Did you hear about the necktie that went to a party? It had a real “tie-riffic” time!
  2. Why did the neck call in sick? It had a bad case of “knot-itis.
  3. When the neck had to make a decision, it said, “I’m really in a tight spot!”
  4. What’s a neck’s favorite type of music? Anything with a “chord” progression.
  5. The neck said, “I’m like a bridge between the head and shoulders – I’ve got a crucial ‘support’ role!
  6. How does a neck apologize? It says, “Sorry if I’ve been a pain in the neck!”
  7. Neck’s advice: “Life is all about balance, just like my ‘verte-brilliant’ structure!”
  8. What did the neck say to the pillow? “I’m really looking forward to a good night‘s ‘rest!’
  9. Why did the neck apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to become a “doughnut hole.”
  10. The neck went to a fancy dinner and said, “I’m here to ‘tie’ up some loose ends.”
  11. What’s a neck’s favorite outdoor activity? Going for a “tie-riffic” hike!
  12. Why did the neck go to the art gallery? It wanted to see some “neck-squisite” masterpieces.
  13. The Neck tried to be a comedian, but its jokes were always a little “stiff.”
  14. What did the neck say when it heard a great joke? “That’s a real ‘neck’-breaker!”
  15. When the neck is stressed, it says, “I’ve got a real ‘tension’ headache!”
  16. What’s a neck’s favorite board game? “Connect the Vertebrae.”
  17. The neck loves to travel because it’s always looking for a “neck-sploration” adventure!
  18. Why did the neck enroll in a yoga class? To learn the art of “neck-stability.”
  19. The neck’s favorite book? “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Collarbone.
  20. What’s a neck’s favorite movie genre? Anything with a good “suspense” plot.
  21. The neck’s philosophy: “I may be slender, but I’ve got a lot of ‘back’bone!”
  22. Why did the neck get into politics? It wanted to be a “diplomat” of good posture.
  23. The neck is great at poker because it’s good at keeping a “poker face.”
  24. What did one neck say to another neck at the gym? “Let’s ‘flex’ our muscles!
  25. The neck’s favorite vacation spot? The “Ad-am’s Apple” orchard.
  26. Why did the neck get a job at the library? It loves to “check out” books.
  27. When the neck got a compliment, it blushed and said, “You’re really ‘neck’-squisite yourself!”
  28. What’s a neck’s favorite fruit? The “collar-berry.
  29. The neck’s favorite superhero? “Super ‘Verte-bra-man’!”
  30. Why did the neck become a gardener? It wanted to grow some “neck-tarines.”
  31. The neck always keeps its head high because it’s got “neck-straordinary” pride.
  32. What did the neck say to the mountain climber? “I’ll ‘peak’ when you reach the summit!
  33. Why did the neck join the choir? It wanted to hit those “high notes.”
  34. The neck’s favorite holiday? “Neckmas,” of course!
  35. What did one neck say to another neck during a race? “Let’s ‘stretch’ for the finish line!”
  36. The neck’s favorite game show? “Who Wants to Be a Million-verte-braire?”
  37. Why did the neck apply for a job at the circus? It wanted to be the “ring master.
  38. The neck’s favorite song? “Don’t Stop Believing (in Good Posture).”
  39. What did the neck say to the computer? “I’ve got a ‘byte’ of a stiff neck.”
  40. Why did the neck start a band? To make some “neck-tunes!”
  41. The neck’s favorite dessert? “Neck-lairs.”
  42. What did the neck say when it got a massage? “That’s really ‘neck’-level relaxation!”
  43. The neck loves puns because they’re so “un-‘verte’-able.”
  44. Why did the neck become a detective? It wanted to solve “neck-sy” cases.
  45. The neck’s favorite animal? The “giraffe,” because it’s got a long neck too!
  46. What did one neck say to another neck at the party? “Let’s ‘hang out’ together!”
  47. The neck’s favorite dance move? The “neck-tangle.
  48. Why did the Neck start a fashion blog? It wanted to share its “neck-squisite” style.
  49. The neck’s favorite planet? “Neck-tune.”
  50. What did the neck say to the spine? “We make a great ‘back’-up team!”

Neck One Liners

Neck One Liners

Here is our top list of neck one liners. Find your favorite one liner about necks, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Necks are like bridges between heads and shoulders – traffic jams included.
  2. Neck workouts: the secret to becoming a “neck-superhero.”
  3. I told my neck to keep it cool, but it still gave me “the cold shoulder.”
  4. Necks: proof that evolution has a sense of humor.
  5. My neck’s favorite game? “Twister,” of course!
  6. The neck’s motto: “Stay flexible, stay fabulous.”
  7. Neck pillows: because even necks need a good night’s sleep.
  8. If necks could talk, they’d say, “I’ve got your back.”
  9. Necks: the unsung heroes of head-turning moments.
  10. Ever notice how necks always stand tall? They’ve got “neck-confidence.”
  11. Necks are like slinkies for your body – always ready to spring into action.
  12. Necks have a “spin” on things, literally.
  13. Necks are the swans of the human body – long and graceful.
  14. My neck is my built-in selfie stick.
  15. Necktie: the ultimate accessory for formal neckwear.
  16. Necks are like the exclamation points of the body!
  17. I asked my neck for advice, and it said, “Keep your chin up!”
  18. Necks are proof that curves are always in style.
  19. Neck tattoos: when you want to wear your art on your sleeve… um, neck.
  20. The neck’s favorite weather? “Breezy” with a chance of “no knots.”
  21. Necklaces: because necks deserve jewelry too!
  22. A good neck massage can turn your day from “meh” to “ahhh.”
  23. My neck is like a giraffe in a human zoo.
  24. Necks: nature’s built-in shock absorbers.
  25. If Necks had a theme song, it would be “Lean on Me.”
  26. Ever notice how necks never lose their heads?
  27. Necks: making headway in the world, one turn at a time.
  28. I asked my neck for directions, and it said, “Follow your instincts.”
  29. Necks are like swiveling chairs for your head.
  30. My neck is my “neckflix” – always ready to binge-watch the world.
  31. Necks: keeping things “straight” since forever.
  32. Did you hear about the neck that got a promotion? It rose to the occasion.
  33. Necks are like the bridges of our body’s architecture.
  34. I told my neck a joke, and it laughed its head off!
  35. Necks are the body’s GPS – always pointing you in the right direction.
  36. My neck has a “collar”-ful personality.
  37. Ever notice how necks are great at “hanging in there”?
  38. Necks are the silent supporters of our daily grind.
  39. Neckties: the real power source behind business meetings.
  40. I asked my neck for a pep talk, and it said, “You’re the head of the game!”

Best Neck Jokes

Best Neck Jokes

These unique neck jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about necks!

For Office

  1. Why did the neck apply for a job at the computer company? Because it wanted to be the “head” of IT!
  2. What’s a neck’s favorite office supply? The “staple” diet!
  3. Did you hear about the neck’s promotion? It got a “raise”!
  4. The neck’s favorite office sport? “Tie”-ping!
  5. How does a neck handle deadlines? It stays “upright” under pressure!

For Gym Enthusiasts

  1. Why did the neck join the gym? To get that “neck-sational” physique!
  2. The neck’s workout tip: “Flexibility is the key to a ‘necks’ level.
  3. What did the neck say after a tough workout? “I’m feeling ‘neck’-stacular!”
  4. The neck’s favorite exercise? “The head lift” – it’s all about that chin-up!
  5. Why did the neck hire a personal trainer? To work on its “posture-child” image!

For Fashionistas

  1. What did the neckwear designer say? “Let’s ‘tie’ the fashion world together!”
  2. The neck’s fashion motto: “Accessories make or ‘neck’-essorize the outfit.”
  3. Why did the scarf and tie have a fashion show? They wanted to showcase their “neck-couture.”
  4. The neck’s favorite clothing brand? “Collar-co.”
  5. What did the stylish neck say? “I’m a ‘collar’ above the rest!”

Jokes for the Health Nuts

  1. Why did the neck visit the chiropractor? It needed a “spine-tastic” adjustment!
  2. The neck’s diet advice: “Stay hydrated and keep things ‘neck’-tritional.”
  3. What did the neck say during yoga class? “I’m feeling ‘zen’ and ‘neck’-tastic!”
  4. The neck’s favorite superfood?Kale” – it’s good for the neck’s “stems!
  5. Why did the neck become a nutritionist? To help people find their “neck”-trition balance!

10 Funny Facts About Necks

Funny Facts About Neck

Here are some funny and interesting facts about necks.

  1. Your neck has seven tiny bones called vertebrae, and they’re like the body’s stack of dainty pancakes.
  2. The world record for the longest neck ever measured goes to a giraffe – no surprise there!
  3. Neck muscles are pretty strong; they can hold up the weight of a bowling ball without breaking a sweat.
  4. If your neck could talk, it might say, “I’m the body’s most flexible part – I can twist and turn like a pro.”
  5. Ever heard of “turkey neck? It’s when loose skin makes a neck look like a turkey’s wattle. Gobble, gobble!
  6. The neck’s job is to support your head, which weighs about as much as a medium-sized watermelon.
  7. In some cultures, wearing rings to elongate the neck is a tradition, but that’s not a fashion trend everyone follows!
  8. The phrase “stick your neck out” means taking a risk, but your neck would probably prefer you didn’t!
  9. The neck has a lot of important stuff, like your windpipe, blood vessels, and the esophagus, all bundled together.
  10. When you nod your head, it’s your neck’s way of saying “yes” without using words – talk about non-verbal communication!

Final Thoughts

We hope these neck jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of anatomy jokes.

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.