100 Funny Circus Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny circus jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best circus puns to cheer you up. These circus jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these circus one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Circus Puns

Puns About Circus

Here is the list of the best circus puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about the circus, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of the circus!

  1. Why did the circus lion eat the tightrope walker? He wanted a well-balanced meal!
  2. Did you hear about the circus trapeze artist? She really swings both ways!
  3. Why was the circus elephant such a good baseball player? He had a great trunk for hitting home runs!
  4. How do circus performers stay cool? They use their fan-tastic tricks!
  5. Why did the clown bring a ladder to the circus? He heard the tickets were sky-high!
  6. What’s a circus ringmaster’s favorite type of music? Anything with a lot of “ring” to it!
  7. Why did the circus magician get a job at the bakery? He wanted to master the art of “dough”-ing tricks!
  8. What do you call a circus performer who can juggle while riding a unicycle? A real “wheel” wizard!
  9. What’s a lion’s favorite part of the circus? The “roar”-ing applause from the audience!
  10. Why did the circus elephant bring a suitcase? He wanted to pack his trunk!
  11. How do circus acrobats stay warm? They do some “high-flying” exercises!
  12. What do you call a clown who’s also a doctor? “Chuck”les the physician!
  13. Why did the tightrope walker join the circus? He wanted a “balancing” act in his life!
  14. What did one circus tent say to the other? “I’m feeling a bit pole-ite today!”
  15. Why did the circus performers go to school? To learn all the “big top”-ics!
  16. How does a circus lion greet other animals? With a “paws”-itive attitude!
  17. Why did the clown wear loud socks to the circus? He wanted to “shock” the audience!
  18. What do you call a circus with only invisible performers? A “now you see me, now you don’t” show!
  19. How do circus horses send messages? Through “neigh”-mail, of course!
  20. Why did the circus cancel the monkey‘s act? He kept “hanging around” instead of performing!
  21. What’s a circus performer’s favorite dessert? Anything with lots of “whipped cream” pie!
  22. Why was the circus tent always calm? It had a “center” of serenity!
  23. What’s a tightrope walker’s favorite type of fruit? “Banana“-lancing acts!
  24. Why did the circus tiger get an award? He had “claws” for celebration!
  25. How did the circus clown become so funny? He had a “knack” for it!
  26. What’s a circus artist’s favorite type of math? “Add”-vanced geometry!
  27. Why was the circus giraffe bad at sports? He had a “neck”-gative attitude!
  28. What’s a trapeze artist’s favorite exercise? “Swing”-ups!
  29. How do circus performers get to work? In a “car-pool” of clown cars!
  30. Why did the circus performers bring umbrellas? They heard it was going to be “raining” applause!
  31. What did the circus lion say to the trainer? “You’re “paws”-itively amazing!”
  32. How did the circus horse get his strength? He did “stable” exercises!
  33. What’s a clown’s favorite vegetable? “Corny” on the cob!
  34. Why did the circus clown go to the doctor? He was feeling a bit “funny”!
  35. How do circus animals stay fit? They do “beast” mode workouts!
  36. What did the circus chef serve the performers? A “juggle” of flavors!
  37. Why did the circus elephant join the gym? He wanted to be a “ton” of fun!
  38. How did the circus tiger get a promotion? He had “stripes” of talent!
  39. What’s a circus magician’s favorite accessory? A “hat-trick” cap!
  40. Why did the circus tightrope walker carry a pencil? In case he needed to draw a “line!
  41. How do circus performers always look good? They’ve got “ring” bling!
  42. What’s a circus clown’s favorite candy? “Laughy” Taffy!
  43. Why did the circus chicken join the act? She had a lot of “plucky” courage!
  44. How did the circus lion celebrate his birthday? With a “roar”-ing party!
  45. What’s a circus performer’s favorite bedtime story? “The Greatest “Yawns” on Earth”!
  46. Why did the circus elephant do yoga? To find his “inner-tusk” peace!
  47. How did the circus magician fix his clothes? With a little “seam-stress” magic!
  48. What’s a circus bear’s favorite type of sandwich? “Jelly” and peanut butter!
  49. Why did the circus performers start a band? They wanted to create “big top” hits!
  50. How do circus clowns keep their hair in check? With lots of “curl” maneuvers!

Circus One Liners

Here is our top list of circus one liners. Find your favorite one liner about the circus, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. I tried to join the circus, but they said I wasn’t clown material.
  2. Why did the circus lion get an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  3. Circus life: where you’re either the ringmaster or just a lion around.
  4. I went to the circus and saw an elephant on a tightrope. Now that’s a balancing act!
  5. Circus performers can’t keep secrets – they always spill the sawdust.
  6. Why did the circus elephant bring a suitcase? He wanted to pack his trunk and leave!
  7. At the circus, the clowns put on quite a show. They really nose how to entertain!
  8. Circus magicians: they always have a trick up their sleeve. And sometimes in their hat.
  9. Circus animals are really good at mathematics – they excel in multi-“roar” calculus!
  10. My circus act would involve juggling worries and tossing them away.
  11. Circus food is magical – it disappears the moment you take a bite!
  12. Circus popcorn: the only snack that has a trapeze act in your mouth.
  13. I told the circus horse a joke, but he just gave me a long face.
  14. Circus acrobats never get lost – they always find their way “up” in the world.
  15. The circus is like a zoo, but the animals are the ones in charge.
  16. I joined the circus to be a juggler, but I just couldn’t keep my life in balance.
  17. Circus clowns: turning frowns upside down, one giant shoe at a time.
  18. Why did the circus chicken become a tightrope walker? She wanted to cross the road with style.
  19. Circus elephants never forget a performance, but they always forget where they left their keys.
  20. Circus acts: where daring feats and cotton candy collisions collide.
  21. If I joined the circus, my special act would be avoiding adulthood.
  22. Circus musicians: they always march to the beat of their own “clown” horn.
  23. Circus life: where the only thing wilder than the animals is the popcorn prices.
  24. Circus tightrope walkers: they never take shortcuts – they only take the high road.
  25. Circus performers are really good at directions – they always know which way the tent is blowing.
  26. I tried to become a circus juggler, but life kept throwing me curveballs.
  27. Circus trainers: they’re basically motivational speakers for animals.
  28. Circus popcorn is like a surprise party in your mouth – a little unexpected, but delightful!
  29. Why did the circus dog wear a cape? He wanted to be the “bark” Knight!
  30. Circus clowns: proving that laughter is the best medicine, even without a prescription.
  31. Circus animals: the original party animals.
  32. Circus tightrope walkers: making balancing acts look easy since forever.
  33. Why did the circus chicken apply for a job? It wanted a “beak”-on career!
  34. Circus life: where you can see the world, one clown car at a time.
  35. Circus performers: practicing for when life throws them under the big top.
  36. Why did the circus lion eat the tightrope walker’s lunch? He wanted a “well-balanced” meal!
  37. Circus clowns: turning makeup mishaps into hilarious masterpieces.
  38. Circus elephants: proof that thick skin is the best armor against peanut shells.
  39. Circus popcorn: making snacking a performance art.
  40. Circus magicians: proving that pulling rabbits out of hats is a transferable skill.

10 Best Circus Jokes

Best Circus Jokes

These special circus jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about the circus!

  1. Why did the circus lion refuse to play cards? He was afraid of cheetahs!
  2. What did the circus tent say to the wind? “Stop blowing me away – I’m in-tents!”
  3. How do circus performers stay in shape? They do the “big top” workout routine!
  4. Why did the circus elephant bring a suitcase to the show? He wanted to pack his “trunk” with applause!
  5. What’s a tightrope walker’s favorite type of bread? “Balancing” rolls, of course!
  6. Why was the circus magician great at gardening? He had a “wand”erful way with plants!
  7. How do circus clowns keep their cars cool? They use “clown”ditioning, of course!
  8. What’s a circus animal’s favorite dessert? Anything with “juggle” berry toppings!
  9. Why did the circus acrobat bring a ladder to the show? In case she wanted to take her act to a “higher” level!
  10. What did the circus ringleader say when he lost his voice? “I’m having a tent-sion!”

10 Funny Facts about Circus

Funny Facts About Circus

Here are some funny and interesting facts about the circus.

  1. Did you know that circus clowns have their own secret handshake? It’s called the “honk-shake”!
  2. In the circus, elephants have their own “trunk phone” system – they communicate through vibrations!
  3. Circus Popcorn actually has its own travel agent – it loves to “pop” up all around the world!
  4. The circus ringmaster’s hat is like a mini party – it’s where all the “top” excitement happens!
  5. Believe it or not, circus lions hold roaring competitions to decide who’s the king of the jungle gym!
  6. Circus performers are excellent timekeepers – they’re always “tumbling” forward!
  7. If you ask a circus acrobat for the time, they’ll probably tell you it’s “flipping” o’clock!
  8. The circus is a place where animals and humans work together, proving that friendships have no boundaries!
  9. Did you know circus clowns actually go to “laugh school” to perfect their giggles and guffaws?
  10. Circus tightrope walkers are great multitaskers – they’re experts at both walking and waving!

Final Thoughts

We hope these circus jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.