100 Funny Hippo Jokes That Will Cheer You Up

We have gathered 100 funny hippo jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best hippo puns to freak you out. These hippo jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these hippo one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Hippo

Puns About Hippo

Here is the list of the best hippo puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about hippos, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of hippos!

  1. What do you call a happy hippo? A hippopotamerry!
  2. Why did the hippo go to school? To improve its “hipp-education”!
  3. How do hippos stay cool in the summer? They have a “hippo-pool” party!
  4. Why did the hippo bring a ladder to the zoo? It wanted to see the “hippo-tops” of the trees!
  5. What’s a hippo’s favorite instrument? The “hippo-trombone”!
  6. What do you call a hippo that can’t stop dancing? A “hippo-hop”!
  7. How do hippos communicate underwater? With “hippo-crit notes”!
  8. Why did the hippo always carry an umbrella? In case of “hippo-rain-otamus!
  9. What do hippos do at the beach? They have a “hippo-tastic” time!
  10. How do hippos write letters? With a “hippo-griff” pen!
  11. Why did the hippo join the gym? To work on its “hippo-strength!
  12. What’s a hippo’s favorite type of movie? A “hippo-thriller”!
  13. How do hippos send emails? With “hippo-critical” messages!
  14. Why are hippos so heavy? Because they have “hippo-tons” of fun!
  15. What do you call a hippo that loves sweets? A “hippo-potamus” for dessert!
  16. Why did the hippo become an artist? It wanted to “hippo-terize” the world!
  17. How do hippos make friends? They give “hippo-tizers”!
  18. What’s a hippo’s favorite game? “Hippo-go-seek”!
  19. Why did the hippo blush? Because it saw a “hippo-tizing” friend!
  20. How do hippos go on vacation? They take a “hippo-tour”!
  21. What do hippos sing in the shower? “Hippo-sonata!
  22. Why did the hippo start a band? It wanted to be a “hippo-star!
  23. How do hippos stay organized? They use a “hippo-planner”!
  24. What’s a hippos favorite dessert? “Hip-po-tarts”!
  25. Why are hippos so good at math? They know how to “hippo-tenuate”!
  26. What’s a hippo’s favorite board game? “Hip-po-ly”!
  27. How do hippos throw a party? With “hippo-balloon” decorations!
  28. What do you call a hippo with a sunburn? “Hippo-red-otamus”!
  29. Why did the hippo bring a ladder to the art gallery? To see the “hippo-tints” up close!
  30. How do hippos stay up-to-date? They read the “hippo-news”!
  31. What’s a hippo’s favorite dance move? The “hippo-shake!
  32. Why did the hippo take a nap? It was “hippo-tired” after all that dancing!
  33. How do hippos travel long distances? On a “hippo-plane”!
  34. What do you call a hippo with a camera? A “hippo-tographer”!
  35. Why do hippos always know what time it is? They wear a “hippo-clock!
  36. How do hippos send packages? With a “hippo-stamp”!
  37. What’s a hippo’s favorite ice cream flavor? “Hip-potamus” chip!
  38. Why did the hippo become a detective? It loved solving “hippo-mysteries”!
  39. How do hippos start a race? On the count of “hippo-one”!
  40. What do hippos do at the gym? They “hippo-cise”!
  41. Why did the hippo go to the dentist? It had a “hippo-cavity”!
  42. How do hippos make music? With “hippo-harmonies!
  43. What’s a hippo’s favorite magic trick? “Hip-po-focusing” disappearing act!
  44. Why did the hippo go on a diet? To get rid of “hippo-pounds”!
  45. How do hippos become writers? They “hippo-size” their imagination!
  46. What do hippos do on Halloween? They go “hippo-treating”!
  47. Why did the hippo start a restaurant? It loved “hippo-tizing” its customers with great food!
  48. How do hippos do their hair? With a “hippo-brush!
  49. What’s a hippo’s favorite sport? “Hip-ball!
  50. Why did the hippo bring a ladder to the concert? To get a “hippo-view” of the band!

Hippo One Liners

Hippo One Liners

Here is our top list of hippo one liners. Find your favorite one liner about hippo, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Hippos: Nature’s heavyweight champions.
  2. Hippopotamuses are masters of aquatic grace.
  3. Hippos may be big, but they’re surprisingly fast.
  4. With their wide mouths, hippos have quite the bite.
  5. Hippos spend most of their time in the water.
  6. Don’t underestimate the agility of a hippo.
  7. Hippos are known for their territorial behavior.
  8. These herbivores have a massive appetite.
  9. Hippos communicate through various vocalizations.
  10. Hippos use mud as a natural sunscreen.
  11. Don’t disturb a hippo, they can be quite grumpy.
  12. The hippo’s yawn is a sign of dominance, not sleepiness.
  13. Hippos are surprisingly good swimmers for their size.
  14. A group of hippos is called a “bloat.”
  15. Hippos have powerful jaws and sharp teeth.
  16. These semi-aquatic creatures are excellent divers.
  17. A hippo’s skin secretes a red oily substance.
  18. Hippos are social animals, often seen in groups.
  19. They can remain underwater for several minutes.
  20. Hippos are more closely related to whales than pigs.
  21. Don’t let their slow appearance fool you; hippos can run fast.
  22. Hippos are essential for their ecosystems.
  23. They mark their territory by spraying feces with their tails.
  24. Hippos are surprisingly good at climbing steep banks.
  25. Despite their size, hippos are excellent at hiding.
  26. Hippos are not true grazers but are classified as “pseudoruminants.”
  27. These creatures are primarily active during the night.
  28. Hippos have large, barrel-shaped bodies.
  29. They are herbivores and feed on grass and plants.
  30. A hippo’s skin is thick but also sensitive to the sun.
  31. Hippos can close their nostrils and ears underwater.
  32. They have a unique way of vocalizing both above and below water.
  33. Hippos have a symbiotic relationship with certain birds.
  34. These gentle giants are surprisingly agile on land.
  35. Hippos’ eyes, ears, and nostrils are placed on top of their heads.
  36. They can walk along the bottom of a river or a lake.
  37. Hippos don’t swim; they push off from the bottom.
  38. Hippos are known for their territorial behavior.
  39. These creatures have been around for millions of years.
  40. Despite their size, hippos are generally peaceful unless threatened.

10 Best Hippo Jokes

Best Hippo Jokes

These special hippo jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about hippos!

  1. Why did the hippo bring a ladder to the river? To reach new “heights” in swimming!
  2. What did the baby hippo say to its mother when she asked if it had cleaned its room? “Hippo-potamus be honest, Mom, I haven’t!”
  3. What do you call a hippo who can perform magic tricks? A “hippo-dabra”!
  4. Why did the hippo get a job as a tour guide? It knew all the “hippo-places” to visit!
  5. How did the hippo feel after finishing a marathon? “Hip-potently” proud!
  6. Why do hippos love going to the movies? Because they get to enjoy a “hippo-corn!
  7. What do you call a hippo with a great singing voice? A “hippo-opera” star!
  8. How did the hippo respond when someone called it chubby? “I’m not chubby; I’m just ‘hippo-tastic’!”
  9. What do you get when you cross a hippo and a unicorn? A “hippo-corn” who can bring magic to the savannah!
  10. Why was the hippo always invited to parties? It knew how to “hippo-hop” and have a good time!

10 Funny Facts About Hippos

Funny Facts About Hippo

Here are some funny and interesting facts about hippos.

  1. Hippos might look slow, but they can run as fast as a human sprinter on land!
  2. Despite their size, hippos are afraid of water that is too deep. They prefer to stay in shallower areas.
  3. Hippos love to party! They often gather in groups near water and engage in playful splashing and wrestling.
  4. While they may appear clumsy, hippos are actually excellent swimmers and can hold their breath underwater for up to 5 minutes!
  5. Hippos have a unique way of keeping cool in hot weather – they secrete a natural sunscreen substance that turns their skin red!
  6. These hefty creatures have a hilarious habit of wagging their tails while defecating to spread their droppings around.
  7. Hippos have the cutest baby names! A baby hippo is called a “calf,” and a group of hippos is known as a “bloat.”
  8. You’d think they’d have huge appetites, but hippos are surprisingly picky eaters, often selecting only certain parts of plants to munch on.
  9. Hippos are known for their big mouths, and they can open them as wide as 150 degrees – that’s enough to fit a small car inside!
  10. Believe it or not, hippos are more closely related to dolphins and whales than to other land animals like cows or pigs!

Final Thoughts

We hope these hippo jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.