100 Funny Zebra Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny zebra jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best zebra puns to freak you out. These zebra jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy! All of these zebra one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Zebra

Puns About Zebra

Here is the list of the best zebra puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about zebra, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of zebra!

  1. What did the zebra say at the comedy club? “I’m ready to show my stripes!”
  2. Why did the zebra go to school? To learn his A-B-Zs!
  3. How do zebras stay cool in the summer? They use their black and white fans!
  4. What’s a zebra’s favorite game? Hide and go stripe!
  5. What do you call a group of musical zebras? A “Zebra-phony”!
  6. How does a zebra introduce himself? “Hello, I’m Zeb!”
  7. Why do zebras make terrible poker players? They can never hide their stripes!
  8. What’s a zebra’s favorite type of music? Hip-hop, of course!
  9. Why don’t zebras play hide-and-seek? Because they’re always spotted!
  10. How do you tell a zebra’s age? Check their “striped ID”!
  11. What do you get when you cross a zebra with a ghost? A “horsespook!
  12. What did the zebra say to the leopard? “You’ll never change your spots, will you?
  13. Why did the zebra go on a diet? He was gaining too many “pounds”!
  14. What do zebras say when they finish a meal? “That hit the black and white spot!”
  15. What’s a zebra’s favorite candy? Zebra-mints!
  16. Why did the zebra go to the beach? To feel the sand between his stripes!
  17. What’s a zebra’s favorite shape? A “striped-agon”!
  18. How do you catch a runaway zebra? Hide in the tall grass and play “peek-a-boo!
  19. What do zebras use to clean their stripes? “Zee-brush”!
  20. Why did the zebra cross the road? To get to the “stripe-side”!
  21. How do you know if a zebra is lying? You’ll see through their “striped stories”!
  22. What do you call a zebra with no stripes? A “black-and-white lie”!
  23. Why did the zebra join the circus? To perform “unbelievable stripe tricks!
  24. What’s a zebra’s favorite dance move? The “striped shuffle!
  25. What do zebras do when they can’t decide? They “toss a stripe”!
  26. How do you stop a zebra from charging? Take away its credit “stripes”!
  27. What do you call a zebra with a colorful personality? A “vibrant vebra”!
  28. What do zebras say before a race? “Ready, stripe, go!”
  29. How do zebras like their coffee? With “stripe-cream” and sugar!
  30. What’s a zebra’s favorite board game? “Twister”, of course – they’re experts at it!
  31. What do you call a zebra with a good sense of humor? A “joke-stripe”!
  32. How do zebras stay dry in the rain? They use their “water-resistant stripes!
  33. Why did the zebra join the marathon? To see how far he could “stripe”!
  34. What’s a zebra’s favorite party game? “Pin the tail on the zebra”!
  35. What do zebras use to write letters? A “stripe pen”!
  36. How do you make a zebra stop laughing? Tell him a “serious stripe”!
  37. Why are zebras so good at math? They can easily “add up their stripes”!
  38. What do you get when you mix a zebra and a snowman? Frost-“striped” flakes!
  39. What’s a zebra’s favorite flower? “Stripe-tulips”!
  40. Why did the zebra start a band? He wanted to play the “z-bra”!
  41. What do zebras say when they get a surprise? “Well, knock me over with a stripe!”
  42. How do zebras greet each other? With a “striped handshake”!
  43. What’s a zebra’s favorite bedtime story? “The Striped Who Cried Wolf!
  44. Why are zebras excellent detectives? They’re good at “spotting” clues!
  45. What do you call a zebra with a sunburn? “Stripe-peeled”!
  46. What do you call a zebra with a drum? A “musi-zebra”!
  47. Why did the zebra become an artist? He wanted to “stripe new horizons”!
  48. What’s a zebra’s favorite game to play at the arcade? “Whack-a-Stripe”!
  49. How do you compliment a zebra? Tell him he’s “strikingly handsome”!
  50. What do zebras say when they finish a race? “I ran my stripes off!”

Zebra One Liners

Zebra One Liners

Here is our top list of zebra one liners. Find your favorite one liner about zebra, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Zebras are nature’s original crosswalks.
  2. Why did the zebra bring a ladder? To reach new heights.
  3. Zebras: the animal kingdom’s stripe-tease performers.
  4. Zebra fashion: always black, always white, never out of style.
  5. Zebras: proof that opposites can attract in the animal kingdom.
  6. Zebras don’t need GPS; their stripes always lead them home.
  7. Zebra wisdom: life is best lived in black and white.
  8. Zebras know the secret to blending in while standing out.
  9. Zebras: masters of camouflage in the grasslands.
  10. You can’t mistake a zebra’s signature look – it’s black and white and unmistakable.
  11. Zebras may look similar, but their personalities are as unique as their stripes.
  12. Why are zebras such great diplomats? They know how to find common ground.
  13. Zebra friendships: bonded by stripes and loyalty.
  14. Zebras: the original “ze-bros” and “ze-sisters” of the savanna.
  15. Zebras never worry about fashion faux pas – stripes are always in vogue.
  16. A zebra’s stripes are like fingerprints – no two are exactly the same.
  17. Zebras: where monochrome meets magnificence.
  18. Zebra family gatherings are always a black and white affair.
  19. Zebras know how to stay cool in the heat – just stand in the shade of your stripes.
  20. Why did the zebra become a referee? He knew the importance of fair play.
  21. Zebras are living proof that diversity is beautiful.
  22. Zebra speed limit: as fast as their stripes can take them.
  23. A zebra’s stripes are like optical illusions – they keep predators guessing.
  24. Zebras: the epitome of balance in the animal kingdom.
  25. Why did the zebra bring a map to the desert? To avoid getting lost in the sand!
  26. Zebras are the “ze-nith” of grace and elegance on the African plains.
  27. Zebra philosophy: life is better when you embrace your unique stripes.
  28. Zebras don’t need makeup artists; their stripes are natural beauty enhancers.
  29. Why did the zebra join the soccer team? To show off his goal-scoring stripes.
  30. Zebras: where unity and individuality coexist harmoniously.
  31. Zebras don’t worry about peer pressure – they proudly stand out in a crowd.
  32. What’s black and white and jogs all over? A zebra going for a run!
  33. Zebras are the original “ze-lebrities” of the animal kingdom.
  34. Zebra entrepreneurs: always looking for new “stripe-tastic” opportunities.
  35. Why did the zebra go to art school? To refine its natural sense of style.
  36. Zebras are nature’s version of yin and yang – perfect balance in action.
  37. Zebra road safety tip: always cross at the striped crosswalks!
  38. Zebras: the ambassadors of harmony in the wild.
  39. Why did the zebra become a detective? It loved solving stripe mysteries.
  40. Zebras never get lost in a crowd – their stripes lead the way home.

10 Best Zebra Jokes

Best Zebra Jokes

These special zebra jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about zebra!

  1. Why do zebras make terrible poker players? They can’t hide their stripes, so their opponents always know when they’re bluffing!
  2. What did the enthusiastic zebra say about life? “It’s always a balancing act – just like my stripes!”
  3. How do you find a lost zebra in the wild? Look for the “Horse Crossing” sign – that’s where they love to hang out!
  4. Why did the Zebra become a stand-up comedian? It knew how to deliver “striped humor” that left everyone in stitches!
  5. What’s a zebra’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a great “stripe-tease” plot!
  6. How do zebras stay healthy? They follow the “stripe and narrow” path to good grazing!
  7. What do you call a zebra with a GPS? A “navigator on stripes”!
  8. Why don’t zebras ever get into arguments? They know how to “brush off” any potential conflicts!
  9. What’s a zebra’s favorite party activity? “Twister” – they excel at those striped contortions!
  10. How do you make a zebra smile? Just give it a compliment about its unique stripes – it’s sure to brighten up its day!

10 Funny Facts about Zebra

Funny Facts About Zebra

Here are some funny and interesting facts about zebra.

  1. Zebras have the coolest pajamas in the animal kingdom – their black and white stripes are their unique sleepwear!
  2. Did you know that zebras are expert photobombers? They love popping up in the background of safari pictures!
  3. Zebras are excellent dancers – they’ve got the “stripe-tastic” moves on the dance floor!
  4. Zebras are nature’s traffic police – they always stop at “Horse Crossing” signs!
  5. Zebras are the ultimate “tattooed” animals, but thankfully, they don’t need to visit a tattoo parlor for their stripes!
  6. You’ll never find a zebra in a bad mood – they’ve mastered the art of “going with the flow” in the savanna!
  7. Zebras have a secret talent for playing hide-and-seek – their stripes make them masters of disguise!
  8. Ever wondered why zebras are so thin? It’s because they’re always on the “striped diet” – a perfect figure comes naturally to them!
  9. Zebras are the original “ze-lebrities” – they can’t go anywhere without drawing a crowd!
  10. Zebras are the kings and queens of fashion – they’ve been rocking the same black and white look for ages, and it’s still a hit!

Final Thoughts

We hope these zebra jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.