100 Funny Seagull Jokes That Will Cheer You Up

We have gathered 100 funny seagull jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best seagull puns to freak you out. These seagull jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these seagull one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Seagull

Puns About Seagull

Here is the list of the best seagull puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about seagulls, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of seagulls!

  1. Why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they’d be bagels!
  2. What did the seagull say to the beachgoer? Stop gull-ing me!
  3. How do seagulls stay in shape? They do seagull-ups!
  4. What do you call a seagull that flies over the bay? A bagel!
  5. Why did the seagull bring a pencil to the beach? To draw in the sand!
  6. How do seagulls send messages? By se-mail!
  7. Why did the seagull refuse to share food? It was too gull-ible!
  8. What’s a seagull’s favorite country? The United States of Am-gull-ica!
  9. Why did the seagull sit on the beach umbrella? It wanted some shade-gull!
  10. What do you get when you cross a seagull and a cat? A gull-ible feline!
  11. Why don’t seagulls fly in the winter? It’s too gull-d outside!
  12. What’s a seagull’s favorite instrument? The gull-tar!
  13. How do seagulls keep their feathers clean? They take a gull-shower!
  14. What did the seagull order at the restaurant? Fish and gull-fries!
  15. Why are seagulls good detectives? They have sharp gull-ances!
  16. What do you call a seagull with an attitude? A gull-monger!
  17. How do seagulls navigate in the dark? They use their night-gull vision!
  18. What did the seagull say to its reflection? Is that me-gull?
  19. Why did the seagull bring string to the beach? To tie up its gull-friend!
  20. What’s a seagull’s favorite ride at the amusement park? The gull-roller coaster!
  21. Why are seagulls so good at dancing? They have great gull-moves!
  22. What do you call a seagull with a bell? A jingle-gull!
  23. How do seagulls apologize? They say they’re gull-ty!
  24. Why did the seagull go to school? To improve its sea-gull-i-bility!
  25. What’s a seagull’s favorite treat? Gull-mints!
  26. How do seagulls greet each other? They say, “Gull-o!”
  27. What did the seagull say to the pelican? You’re so big, you’re a “gull-ion” times my size!
  28. Why are seagulls bad at team sports? They’re too gull-ible to pass the ball!
  29. What do you get when you mix a seagull and a dog? A gull-dog with wings!
  30. Why did the seagull bring a ladder to the beach? To reach new gull-titudes!
  31. What’s a seagull’s favorite vegetable? Gulliflower!
  32. How do seagulls stay in touch with their friends? They use their gull-phones!
  33. Why don’t seagulls like to share? Because they’re a little shell-gullfish!
  34. What did the seagull say to the sailor? Stop gull-avanting and feed me!
  35. What do you call a seagull who loves to play practical jokes? A gull-ty pleasure!
  36. Why did the seagull start a band? For the gull-tar solos!
  37. How do seagulls learn new things? They go to gull-ege!
  38. What did the seagull say to the shrimp? You’re my favorite gull-friend!
  39. Why do seagulls make great comedians? They have a natural gull-ibility!
  40. What do seagulls do when they win a race? They give a gull-op speech!
  41. Why don’t seagulls like fast food? They prefer to gull-tivate their own meals!
  42. What’s a seagull’s favorite game? Gull-f!
  43. How do seagulls stay cool in the summer? They take a dip in the sea-gull-er!
  44. Why was the seagull sitting on the clock? It wanted to be on gull-time!
  45. What did the seagull say when it found a French fry? “Gull-icious!”
  46. How do seagulls make decisions? They go with their gull instincts!
  47. Why did the seagull take up painting? It wanted to express its inner gull-ery!
  48. What do you call a seagull that loves to sing? A gull-talented performer!
  49. Why don’t seagulls play hide-and-seek? They’re always gull-spotted!
  50. What did the seagull say to the ocean? Stop wavi-gull and listen to me!

Seagull One Liners

Seagull One Liners

Here is our top list of seagull one liners. Find your favorite one liner about seagull, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Seagulls: the beach’s unofficial squad.
  2. Seagulls can make a single French fry feel outnumbered.
  3. If seagulls attended school, they’d ace “Gull-ogy” class.
  4. Seagulls: the masters of air traffic control at the beach.
  5. Want to see seagulls in action? Just open a bag of chips.
  6. Beaches and seagulls: a timeless partnership.
  7. Seagulls are like the alarm clocks of the seashore.
  8. Seagulls: the true ambassadors of coastal living.
  9. A seagull’s cry is nature’s soundtrack at the beach.
  10. Don’t underestimate seagulls; they’re intelligent observers.
  11. Seagulls always spot the best picnic spots.
  12. Seagulls are the “clean-up crew” after a beach party.
  13. Seagulls: the gliders of the ocean breeze.
  14. The sea wouldn’t be the same without seagulls.
  15. A day at the beach isn’t complete without seagulls in the background.
  16. Seagulls may seem carefree, but they have a purpose in the ecosystem.
  17. Seagulls can turn a calm beach day into an exhilarating chase.
  18. Seagulls know how to ride the wind like pros.
  19. There’s always a seagull ready to snatch a free meal.
  20. Even seagulls appreciate a stunning sunset over the ocean.
  21. Seagulls: experts at finding hidden treasures in the sand.
  22. One man’s leftover food is a seagull’s feast.
  23. Seagulls are the curious tourists of the shoreline.
  24. Seagulls and waves: the rhythm of the coast.
  25. Seagulls have perfected the art of “hovering” over potential snacks.
  26. A seagull’s flight is a dance with the sea breeze.
  27. To seagulls, a crowded beach means more chances for snacks.
  28. Seagulls: the aerial photographers of the beach.
  29. A seagull’s beak is its ultimate Swiss Army knife.
  30. Seagulls can spot a crumb from a mile away.
  31. Seagulls understand the art of timing when it comes to food.
  32. Ever seen a seagull yawn? They do it in style.
  33. Seagulls don’t need suntan lotion; their feathers have them covered.
  34. To seagulls, a beach umbrella is just another perch.
  35. Seagulls can land on the tiniest spots with ease.
  36. Seagulls are the original beach bums.
  37. Don’t challenge a seagull to a staring contest; they’ll win every time.
  38. A seagull’s flight is poetry in motion.
  39. Seagulls know that sharing is caring (especially when it comes to food).
  40. Seagulls make the best beachside comedians with their antics.

10 Best Seagull Jokes

Best Seagull Jokes

These special seagull jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about seagulls!

  1. Why did the seagull bring a GPS to the beach? To find the “gull-timate” spot for snacks!
  2. What do you call a seagull that can play the piano? A “gull-issimo” musician!
  3. How do seagulls always look so cool? They’ve mastered the art of “gull-styling” their feathers!
  4. Why did the seagull refuse to share its food? It believed in “gullitarianism” – no snacks for others!
  5. What did the seagull say when it won the scavenger hunt? “Gull-e-lujah, I’m the champion!”
  6. How do seagulls stay in shape? They practice “gull-aerobics” while flying!
  7. Why do seagulls never get lost? They have a built-in “gull-positioning system”!
  8. What’s a seagull’s favorite game to play at the beach? “Gull-friends Tag” – they’re always “it”!
  9. How do seagulls stay up-to-date with the latest news? They read the “Gull-ete Times” newspaper!
  10. Why did the seagull break up with its partner? It was tired of all the “gull-trips” together!

10 Funny Facts about Seagulls

Funny Facts About Seagull

Here are some funny and interesting facts about seagulls.

  1. Seagulls have a talent for “photobombing” beach selfies – they love being in the frame!
  2. Seagulls are expert food critics; they’ll taste-test anything you offer, even if it’s not edible!
  3. Seagulls never miss a free meal opportunity, earning them the title of “the winged opportunists.”
  4. Seagulls have a secret weapon for winning snacks – their adorable “gull-puppy eyes”!
  5. Seagulls take their “bird‘s-eye view” job seriously; they’re nature’s air traffic controllers.
  6. Did you know seagulls have a unique language? Their “gull-oquial” skills are quite impressive!
  7. Seagulls have an uncanny ability to detect the smallest crumb from miles away – the snack radars are real!
  8. Seagulls are experts at timing their dives for food; it’s like a synchronized swimming competition in the air.
  9. Ever seen a seagull dance? They have some pretty hilarious “gull-moves” during their mating displays!
  10. Seagulls can turn a peaceful beach day into a thrilling “food chase” – it’s the gull version of an action movie!

Final Thoughts

We hope these seagull jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.