100 Funny Saturday Jokes That Will Cheer You Up

We have gathered 100 funny Saturday jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best Saturday puns to cheer you up. These Saturday jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these Saturday one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Saturday Puns

Puns About Saturday

Here is the list of the best Saturday puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about Saturday, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of Saturday!

  1. Why did the calendar want to go to the gym on Saturdays? To work on its “week” muscles!
  2. Did you hear about the mattress that wanted to sleep in on Saturdays? It was quite a “restful” decision!
  3. What’s a Saturday’s favorite song? “Don’t Stop Believin'” – it’s the ultimate weekend anthem!
  4. I thought about telling a Saturday joke, but I didn’t want to make it too “weekend”…
  5. Why did the clock feel happy on Saturdays? Because it finally had time to “tick” it easy!
  6. What do Saturdays and pancakes have in common? They both need a little flipping to make them perfect!
  7. Saturday said to Sunday, “You’re my favorite day!” Sunday replied, “Aww, you’re just saying that to butter me up!
  8. Did you hear about the coffee that loved Saturdays? It said they had the best “grounds” to hang out.
  9. How does Saturday stay so cool? It’s got that “chill” weekend vibe!
  10. Saturday and Sunday had a race. Who won? Saturday, because it always comes before Sunday!
  11. Why did the calendar go on a diet? It wanted to get rid of its “weekend” pounds!
  12. What did one Saturday say to the other? “I’m so glad we’re on the same ‘page’ of the calendar!”
  13. Why did the computer spend all day on Saturday at the gym? It needed to work on its “byte” size!
  14. What do you call a Saturday that’s feeling under the weather? A “sick-end”!
  15. Did you hear about the calendar’s weekend adventure? It was quite the “page-turner”!
  16. What did Saturday say to Sunday morning? “Don’t you just love waking up and realizing there’s no alarm clock?
  17. Saturday’s favorite game? Hide and “week” – it’s always up for a little fun!
  18. Why did the bicycle take Saturday off? It wanted to give its wheels a “weekend” break!
  19. What’s Saturday’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a good “plot” twist!
  20. Did you hear about the bread that wanted to relax on Saturdays? It needed to “loaf” around!
  21. Why did the Saturday go to the beach? To catch some “rays” of weekend sunshine!
  22. What do you call a Saturday that’s feeling crafty? “Weekend” DIY warrior!
  23. How does Saturday stay so positive? It’s got that “endless possibilities” vibe!
  24. What did the Saturday night owl say to the early bird? “You’re chirping up the wrong tree, buddy!
  25. Why did the broom want to go out on Saturday night? It heard the dance floor was “sweeping!
  26. What’s a Saturday’s favorite dessert? “Satur-dae” ice cream sundaes, of course!
  27. Did you hear about the tomato that partied on Saturdays? It was quite the “saucy” dancer!
  28. Why did Saturday bring a ladder to the bar? It wanted to take its “spirits” to new heights!
  29. Saturday’s advice to Monday: “Hey, why so serious? Loosen up and join the weekend party!”
  30. What do you call a Saturday that’s feeling adventurous? A “seek-end”!
  31. Did you hear about the dog that loved Saturdays? It couldn’t resist a good “paws” and relaxation!
  32. Why did the light bulb always burn out on Saturdays? It had a “bright idea” overload!
  33. What’s a Saturday’s favorite accessory? A “weekend” hat, of course!
  34. Did you hear about the calendar that went on strike? It demanded more “weekend” days!
  35. Why did the pencil love Saturdays? It could finally “draw” a sigh of relief!
  36. What do Saturdays and rainbows have in common? They both bring smiles to your face!
  37. Why did the plant look forward to Saturdays? It got its weekly dose of “water“-cooler gossip!
  38. Did you hear about the mattress that went out partying on Saturdays? It had a “wild spring” night!
  39. What’s a Saturday’s favorite game show? “Wheel of Weekend” – where everyone’s a winner!
  40. Why did Saturday get a job at the bakery? It wanted to “dough” some fun on weekends!
  41. What did Saturday say to Sunday evening? “Let’s hang out again real soon – you complete my weekend!”
  42. Why did Saturday always win at poker? It had a knack for reading “week” faces!
  43. What’s a Saturday’s favorite dance move? The “weekend wiggle”!
  44. Did you hear about the comedian who only tells jokes on Saturdays? He’s a real “weekend wisecracker”!
  45. Why did the cupcake look forward to Saturdays? It got to sprinkle a little extra “fun” on top!
  46. What’s a Saturday’s favorite subject? “Weekend” history – it’s all about the good times!
  47. Why did the grape want to party on Saturdays? It wanted to “wine” down!
  48. What did the Saturday night sky say to the stars? “Shine bright, it’s our time to twinkle!
  49. Why did the mirror love Saturdays? It could reflect on the “week’s” accomplishments!
  50. What’s a Saturday’s motto? “Take it easy, one day at a time – it’s all about that weekend prime!”

Saturday One Liners

Saturday One Liners

Here is our top list of Saturday one liners. Find your favorite one liner about Saturday, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Saturday: the only day with a “t” in its name and a party in its spirit.
  2. Saturdays are the real superheroes – they save us from the workweek villain!
  3. If Saturday had a catchphrase, it would be “No alarms, all charms!”
  4. Saturdays are like the favorite socks of the week – comfy and a bit goofy.
  5. Saturday: where pajamas and productivity find a hilarious compromise.
  6. Saturdays are proof that even the calendar loves to take a break.
  7. Saturday mornings: the time when dreams and pancakes collide.
  8. If Saturday were a person, it would be the life of the weekend party.
  9. Saturday: the day when you can finally press the “snooze” button on life.
  10. Saturdays are like the exclamation points of the week – full of enthusiasm!
  11. Saturdays: the designated “chill and thrill” time for everyone.
  12. If weekdays had a spokesperson, Saturday would be the people’s champ.
  13. Saturdays: because “Sundate” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
  14. Saturday mornings are like finding a treasure chest filled with time.
  15. On Saturdays, even the coffee gets an extra shot of enthusiasm.
  16. Saturday is the VIP lounge of the week – entry by good vibes only.
  17. Saturdays: where routine takes a backseat and adventure grabs the wheel.
  18. If Saturday were a food, it would be an all-you-can-laugh buffet.
  19. Saturdays: the real artists of the week, painting smiles on everyone’s faces.
  20. Saturday nights: where plans and spontaneity engage in a delightful tango.
  21. If Saturday were a weather forecast, it would be “100% chance of fun.”
  22. Saturdays: because dancing around the living room is a legitimate workout.
  23. Saturday is like a best friend who shows up with pizza and good times.
  24. On Saturdays, even the laziest cat seems to have a little more pep.
  25. Saturdays are the bridge between “I need a break” and “I’ve got this.
  26. If weekends were emotions, Saturday would be the uncontrollable giggles.
  27. Saturdays: where Netflix marathons and nap Olympics go hand in hand.
  28. Saturday is the day when “I’ll do it later” finally becomes “I did it!”
  29. On Saturdays, the snooze button is the most valuable currency.
  30. Saturdays: where adulting takes a break and inner child takes over.
  31. If Saturday were a movie, it would be a comedy with a heartwarming twist.
  32. Saturdays are like bookmarks in the book of life – marking the good parts.
  33. Saturday mornings: where bedhead and cereal become a stylish combo.
  34. Saturdays: the day when serious matters are postponed for silly discussions.
  35. Saturday is the canvas on which relaxation paints its masterpiece.
  36. If weekends were desserts, Saturday would be a slice of pure joy.
  37. Saturdays are the daily planner’s day off – go ahead, improvise!
  38. On Saturdays, the alarm clock takes a well-deserved rest.
  39. Saturdays: the pause button we all press to catch our breath.
  40. If Saturday had a mascot, it would be a grinning emoji with sunglasses.

10 Best Saturday Jokes

Best Saturday Jokes

These special Saturday jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about Saturday!

  1. Why did Saturday go to therapy? It had too many “week” issues to sort out!
  2. What’s Saturday’s favorite exercise? Running late – it’s a marathon of relaxation!
  3. Saturday and Sunday walked into a bar. Bartender says, “We don’t serve weekdays here.” Saturday replies, “No worries, we’re weekends!”
  4. Why did the calendar break up with Friday? It found Saturday to be more “well-rounded!
  5. What did Saturday say to Monday? “You’re not my type, I’m into more laid-back days!”
  6. Why did the computer invite Saturday for a chat? It wanted to discuss its “week” WiFi signal!
  7. Saturday tried to become a chef, but it just couldn’t find the “thyme” to cook on weekends!
  8. What’s Saturday’s favorite dessert? Anything with a “weekend” sprinkling of sugar and spice!
  9. Saturday and Sunday had a race. Who won? Saturday – it always takes the “weekend” by storm!
  10. Why did Saturday bring a ladder to the party? It heard the drinks were on the “high-end”!

10 Funny Facts About Saturday

Funny Facts About Saturday

Here are some funny and interesting facts about Saturday.

  1. Saturdays were voted “Best Day to Wear Pajamas All Day” by a unanimous decision of pajamas everywhere.
  2. Did you know? Saturday has a secret stash of dad jokes for emergency laughter situations.
  3. Saturdays are so cool that even ice cubes envy their “chill” attitude.
  4. Saturday has a degree in “Weekendology” – the science of taking it easy and having fun.
  5. One out of three snooze buttons prefer to be pressed exclusively on Saturdays.
  6. Saturday once won a dance-off against Tuesday, who couldn’t keep up with its groovy moves.
  7. If you listen closely, you can hear Saturday whispering, “Psst, wanna sleep in?” every Friday night.
  8. Saturdays are expert matchmakers – they bring pillows and sleepyheads together like no other day can.
  9. Saturday is the only day that can pull off wearing pajamas to a board meeting and still look stylish.
  10. Ever notice how the sun shines a little brighter on Saturdays? Even the sky knows it’s party time!

Final Thoughts

We hope these Saturday jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.