100 Funny Possum Puns That Will Cheer You Up

We have gathered 100 funny possum jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best possum puns to freak you out. These possum jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these possum one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Possum

Puns About Possum

Here is the list of the best possum puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about possums, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of possums!

  1. Why did the possum start a band? Because it could play possumsical instruments!
  2. What do you call a fashionable possum? A possumer dresser!
  3. Why did the possum go to school? To learn possumbly everything!
  4. How do possums send messages? By playing possum mail!
  5. Why did the possum become a detective? To solve possumsteries, of course!
  6. What’s a possum’s favorite sport? Possumball!
  7. Why do possums make great actors? They’re experts at possumming emotions!
  8. What’s a possum’s favorite ice cream flavor? Possum-ron!
  9. Why did the possum cross the road? To prove it wasn’t playing possum tricks!
  10. What do you call a possum who loves art? A possumsional painter!
  11. Why did the possum go to the party? To show off its possumality!
  12. What’s a possum’s favorite subject in school? Possumatics!
  13. What do you call a possum who loves to gamble? A possumbling addict!
  14. Why did the possum start a restaurant? To serve possumtastic food!
  15. What do you get when you mix a possum and a kangaroo? A hoppy possumer!
  16. How do you make a possum smile? Tell it a possum joke!
  17. What’s a possum’s favorite TV show? Possumwatch!
  18. Why did the possum become a librarian? It loved possuming through books!
  19. What do possums do on cold days? They possum up to stay warm!
  20. Why did the possum take up gardening? To grow possumberries, of course!
  21. What’s a possum’s favorite type of music? Possumic beats!
  22. Why are possums so good at soccer? They have great possumdurance!
  23. What do you call a possum who loves to dance? A possumgalia!
  24. Why did the possum start a business? To be the best possumpreneur!
  25. What’s a possum’s favorite board game? Possumopoly!
  26. What do you call a possum who loves math? A possumthematician!
  27. Why did the possum get a computer? To possum online and browse the web!
  28. What’s a possum’s favorite place to relax? On a possummock by the lake!
  29. Why did the possum go to space? To explore the possumiverse!
  30. What do you call a possum who loves to travel? A possumadventurer!
  31. Why did the possum become a scientist? To study possumphenomena!
  32. What’s a possum’s favorite candy? Possummints!
  33. What do possums do when they’re bored? They play possum and seek!
  34. Why did the possum go to the concert? To listen to possumsic!
  35. What’s a possum’s favorite movie genre? Possumedy, of course!
  36. What do you call a possum who tells funny stories? A possumedian!
  37. Why did the possum go to the beach? To build a sandpossum!
  38. What’s a possum’s favorite game console? The Possumstation!
  39. What do you call a possum who loves photography? A possumtographer!
  40. Why did the possum become a firefighter? To possumbust fires!
  41. What’s a possum’s favorite holiday? Possumoween!
  42. What do possums do on rainy days? They stay inside and possum out!
  43. Why did the possum become a chef? To cook possumlicious meals!
  44. What’s a possum’s favorite book genre? Possumance novels!
  45. What do you call a possum who loves to exercise? A possumathlete!
  46. Why did the possum go to the music festival? To enjoy possumtastic tunes!
  47. What’s a possum’s favorite video game? Possumcraft!
  48. What do possums do on lazy days? They possum around and relax!
  49. Why did the possum become a teacher? To share its possumnowledge!
  50. What’s a possum’s favorite dessert? Possum pie, of course!

Possum One Liners

Possum One Liners

Here is our top list of possum one liners. Find your favorite one liner about possum, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Possums play possum, but they’re not playing around.
  2. Possums: masters of hiding in plain sight.
  3. Possums may look scary, but they’re harmless critters.
  4. Possums have a knack for finding the best hiding spots.
  5. Possums: nature’s stealthy night-watchers.
  6. Did you know possums are excellent climbers?
  7. Possums prefer the quiet life in the shadows.
  8. Possums are nature’s cleanup crew for fallen fruits.
  9. Possums: the unsung heroes of pest control.
  10. Ever seen a possum grin? Now you have.
  11. Possums keep their cool under pressure.
  12. Did you know possums have sharp claws for defense?
  13. Possums: masters of adapting to their environment.
  14. Possums may waddle, but they move with purpose.
  15. Possums aren’t picky eaters; they’ll try almost anything.
  16. Look up at night, you might spot a possum on a branch.
  17. Possums are nocturnal creatures, active when we sleep.
  18. Possums: the ninja of the animal kingdom.
  19. Did you know possums can eat thousands of ticks in a season?
  20. Possums are gentle creatures, despite their fierce appearance.
  21. Possums rarely get rabies, making them low-risk animals.
  22. Possums: experts at blending into their surroundings.
  23. Did you know possums have opposable thumbs on their hind feet?
  24. Possums prefer the solitary life, not big on socializing.
  25. Possums might hiss, but they’re just scared, not mean.
  26. Possums are marsupials, like kangaroos and koalas.
  27. Did you know possums have prehensile tails for gripping?
  28. Possums are nature’s cleanup crew, munching on carrion.
  29. Possums: champions of playing dead.
  30. Possums prefer a slow and steady approach to life.
  31. Did you know possums have excellent memories for finding food?
  32. Possums are nomadic creatures, always on the move.
  33. Possums help control insect populations, a natural pest control.
  34. Possums are not aggressive; they’d rather run than fight.
  35. Did you know possums have an average lifespan of 2-4 years?
  36. Possums use their long whiskers to navigate in the dark.
  37. Possums are skilled at escaping predators through trees.
  38. Possums: experts at evading danger.
  39. Did you know possums have a remarkable sense of smell?
  40. Possums are unique creatures, deserving of respect in nature.

10 Best Possum Jokes

Best Possum Jokes

These special possum jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about possums!

  1. Why did the possum bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to hang out with everyone, even up high!
  2. What do you call a possum that becomes a lawyer? A skillful posso-mediator!
  3. How did the possum become a comedian? It was a natural at playing “possum-dian” tricks!
  4. What’s a possum’s favorite instrument? The “possumphone” – it has the sweetest tunes!
  5. Why did the possum start a dance class? It wanted to teach others how to “possum-trot” gracefully!
  6. What do you get when you cross a possum and a kangaroo? A “posso-jumper” with a bouncy attitude!
  7. How do possums stay updated on the latest news? They read the “Possum Post” for all the gossip!
  8. Why did the possum open a bakery? To serve up the most delightful “possum-pastries” in town!
  9. What do possums say when they finish a race? “I’m so possum-tively fast!”
  10. Why did the possum start a rock band? It knew how to play the “possum-guitar” like a pro!

10 Funny Facts about Possum

Funny Facts About Possum

Here are some funny and interesting facts about possums.

  1. Possums are expert actors – they play dead so convincingly, they could win an Oscar!
  2. Possums have a unique defense mechanism: When threatened, they emit a smelly odor that says, “Stay away!”
  3. Possums are picky eaters and can be quite the food critics in the wild.
  4. Possums are master escape artists – they can disappear from tricky situations like Houdini.
  5. Possums love to hang out in trees, just like furry acrobats putting on a show.
  6. Possums may look grumpy, but deep down, they’re just having a bad fur day.
  7. Possums have tiny thumbs on their back feet – perfect for texting possum pals!
  8. Possums are nature’s ultimate party crashers; they’ll show up uninvited and steal the snacks.
  9. Possums have a secret talent: they can sleep like champions and turn into furry snoring machines.
  10. Possums are like walking recycling centers – they’ll eat almost anything, turning trash into treasure!

Final Thoughts

We hope these possum jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.