100 Funny Peacock Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny peacock jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best peacock puns to freak you out. These peacock jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these peacock one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Peacock

Puns About Peacock

Here is the list of the best peacock puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about peacocks, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of peacocks!

  1. Why did the peacock cross the road? To show off its colorful feathers!
  2. What do you call a proud peacock? A strut-er!
  3. How does a peacock style its feathers? With a comb and a “cockerel” of course!
  4. Why was the peacock always getting into trouble? It had a “fowl” attitude!
  5. What do you get when you cross a peacock with a parrot? A bird that can’t stop talking about its beauty!
  6. Why do peacocks love parties? They can “tail” everyone about their plumage!
  7. What’s a peacock’s favorite game? Feather bowling!
  8. What do you call a peacock with no feathers? A naked truth!
  9. How do peacocks maintain their stunning feathers? They “comb” them every day!
  10. Why did the peacock blush? It saw someone “staring” at its beauty!
  11. What did the peacock say to the other birds? “Feather you like it or not, I’m fabulous!
  12. How do peacocks stay in shape? They do “tail” workouts!
  13. What’s a peacock’s favorite dessert? Plumage pie!
  14. Why are peacocks excellent storytellers? They always “feather” the plot!
  15. What do you call a peacock who loves to cook? A culinary “beauty”!
  16. How do peacocks express their emotions? Through “feather” gestures!
  17. Why did the peacock go to school? To improve its “plume”-ing skills!
  18. What’s a peacock’s favorite subject in school? “A-viary” class!
  19. Why did the peacock become a detective? It wanted to solve “feathery” mysteries!
  20. How did the peacock become a musician? It learned to play the “plume”pet!
  21. What do you call a peacock that knows magic? A “presto”nishing bird!
  22. How do peacocks make important decisions? They use their “plume”-bobs!
  23. What’s a peacock’s favorite type of dance? The “feather”-step!
  24. Why did the peacock go to the gym? It wanted to be “wing”-tastic!
  25. What’s a peacock’s favorite instrument? The “plume”-bone!
  26. How do peacocks apologize? They say, “I’m sorry, that was a “fowl” move!”
  27. Why do peacocks make terrible poker players? They can’t hide their “tells”!
  28. What did one peacock say to the other about their feathers? “Mine are pretty am-“peck”-able!”
  29. How do peacocks celebrate holidays? With “plumage” and joy!
  30. Why did the peacock get a job at the art gallery? It had an “eye” for beauty!
  31. What do you call a peacock with a great sense of humor? A “feather”-brain!
  32. How did the peacock become a famous actor? It nailed its “audition” look!
  33. What’s a peacock’s favorite song? “Born to be “Fly!
  34. Why did the peacock join the theater? It wanted to “plume”-der the spotlight!
  35. How do peacocks write songs? They use a “quill”!
  36. What do you call a peacock who loves to read? A “page”-cock!
  37. Why do peacocks always speak the truth? They have “honest”-plume!
  38. How do peacocks like to travel? By “plume”-bus!
  39. What’s a peacock’s favorite game show? “The Price is “Feather”!
  40. Why do peacocks love fashion shows? They get to see the latest “plume”-trends!
  41. What did the peacock say when it won an award? “I’m “feather”-ly honored!”
  42. How do peacocks win arguments? They use “plume”-assurance!
  43. What’s a peacock’s favorite type of book? A “plume”-novel!
  44. Why did the peacock get a job in the bakery? It loved “plume” cakes!
  45. What do you call a peacock that loves the ocean? A “sea”-cock!
  46. How do peacocks stay warm in winter? They wear “plume”-coats!
  47. What’s a peacock’s favorite type of movie? A “plume”-buster!
  48. Why do peacocks love puzzles? They enjoy a “feather”-teaser!
  49. What did the peacock say to the mirror? “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the most “plume”-tiful of all?
  50. How do peacocks find their way around? They follow the “feather”-signs!

Peacock One Liners

Peacock One Liners

Here is our top list of peacock one liners. Find your favorite one liner about peacock, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Peacocks flaunt nature’s masterpiece.
  2. With vibrant feathers, peacocks paint the world.
  3. Graceful and elegant, peacocks dance in splendor.
  4. A peacock’s beauty shines beyond measure.
  5. Nature’s living art, the peacock stuns all.
  6. Proud peacocks display their majestic tails.
  7. In gardens, peacocks add regal charm.
  8. Peacocks symbolize beauty and grace.
  9. Feathers adorned, peacocks enchant the eye.
  10. Strutting with confidence, peacocks amaze.
  11. The peacock’s iridescence captures hearts.
  12. A peacock’s presence commands attention.
  13. With intricate patterns, peacocks mesmerize.
  14. The peacock’s brilliance is nature’s jewel.
  15. From far and near, peacocks attract admirers.
  16. In flight, peacocks display celestial beauty.
  17. Peacocks embody elegance in motion.
  18. Nature’s palette comes alive in peacocks.
  19. With every step, peacocks radiate allure.
  20. The peacock’s call echoes through the forest.
  21. Adorned in colors, peacocks grace the earth.
  22. Like living rainbows, peacocks roam freely.
  23. The peacock’s plume tells a story of splendor.
  24. With fanned tails, peacocks dance in delight.
  25. Nature’s gem, the peacock enchants us all.
  26. In stillness or motion, peacocks mesmerize.
  27. With each display, peacocks amaze and astound.
  28. Peacocks bring elegance to every occasion.
  29. The peacock’s beauty knows no equal.
  30. With a regal stride, peacocks own the terrain.
  31. Peacocks symbolize grace and renewal.
  32. The peacock’s charm is timeless and eternal.
  33. Graceful and proud, peacocks own their space.
  34. Peacocks’ feathers are a masterpiece of creation.
  35. A peacock’s gaze reflects untamed beauty.
  36. With feathers spread wide, peacocks captivate.
  37. Peacocks’ beauty evokes wonder and awe.
  38. In gardens or forests, peacocks reign supreme.
  39. The peacock’s tail unfolds like a vibrant fan.
  40. With shimmering feathers, peacocks enchant the world.

10 Best Peacock Jokes

Best Peacock Jokes

These special peacock jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about peacocks!

  1. Why did the peacock get an award? It was voted the “Best Dressed” bird in town!
  2. What do you call a peacock that’s a great dancer? Fred “Feather” Astaire!
  3. How did the peacock become a famous artist? Its paintings were truly “tail”-ented!
  4. Why do peacocks never get into arguments? They prefer to “feather” their nests with peace!
  5. What did the peacock say to the other birds at the party? “Don’t be “fowl,” come join the fun and admire my plume!”
  6. Why did the peacock start a business? It knew how to “plume” the market with its unique products!
  7. What do you call a peacock with a fantastic memory? An “eye”-detic bird!
  8. Why was the peacock always the center of attention? Because it had the “feather”fect charisma!
  9. What’s a peacock’s favorite game? Hide and “peck” with their colorful feathers!
  10. Why did the peacock join the circus? It wanted to show off its “feather”-tic tricks to the world!

10 Funny Facts about Peacock

Funny Facts About Peacock

Here are some funny and interesting facts about peacocks.

  1. Peacocks are like the fashionistas of the bird world with their flashy and colorful feather outfits!
  2. Did you know that a group of peacocks is called a “party”? They sure know how to have a good time!
  3. Peacocks are excellent dancers! They strut their stuff and wiggle their tail feathers to impress the ladies.
  4. When a peacock feels threatened or scared, it can make a loud and funny honking sound, almost like a tiny car horn!
  5. Male peacocks are the ones with the stunning plumage, while females have a more subtle and modest appearance. It’s like they’re saying, “Ladies first, I insist!”
  6. Peacocks are not just about looks; they are pretty brainy too! They have great memories and can remember faces for a long time.
  7. Ever seen a peacock trying to fly? It’s quite a sight! With all those big feathers, they look like they’re trying to take off in a fancy ball gown!
  8. Peacocks have a bit of a sweet tooth. They love to munch on fruits like mangoes and bananas when they get a chance.
  9. If a peacock wants to show off its feathers, it needs to be in a good mood. Just like humans, they save their best moves for the right moment!
  10. In some cultures, peacocks are considered symbols of luck and prosperity. So, if a peacock crosses your path, it might be your lucky day!

Final Thoughts

We hope these peacock jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.