100 Funny Parrot Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

We have gathered 100 funny parrot jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best parrot puns to freak you out. These parrot jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these parrot one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Parrot

Puns About Parrot

Here is the list of the best parrot puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about parrots, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of parrots!

  1. Why did the parrot sit on the clock? To kill time!
  2. What do you call a parrot that loves to play hide-and-seek? Polly-gon!
  3. Why did the parrot wear glasses? To improve its “tweet” vision!
  4. How do parrots greet each other? “Polly want a cracker?”
  5. What did the parrot say when it found its mate? “You’re my tweetheart!”
  6. Why was the parrot in a band? Because it had perfect “beak” rhythm!
  7. What’s a parrot’s favorite game? “Perch”-eese!
  8. How do parrots stay in shape? They “flap”ercise!
  9. What do you get when you cross a parrot and a centipede? A walkie-talkie!
  10. Why did the parrot go to school? To improve its “bird“-brain!
  11. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of music? “Beak”-pop!
  12. How did the parrot get into the magician’s act? It knew all the “tricks”!
  13. Why did the parrot join the circus? To show off its “wing”-ding skills!
  14. What do you call a group of musical parrots? A “Polyphonic” choir!
  15. Why did the parrot become a chef? It loved to “squawk”olate!
  16. What do you call a parrot that flew away? “Polly”nomial!
  17. Why did the parrot sit on the fan? To feel the “breeze”!
  18. How do you communicate with a parrot underwater? With “squawk”-submarines!
  19. What do you call a parrot with a carrot? “Pair”-rot!
  20. Why was the parrot so good at math? It could “add” up the numbers!
  21. What do you get when you cross a parrot and a dog? A “squawk”ie!
  22. Why did the parrot become a lifeguard? It was great at “parroting” instructions!
  23. What’s a parrot’s favorite dance move? The “Polly”-shuffle!
  24. How did the parrot become a comedian? It had a natural “knack” for jokes!
  25. What do parrots say when they’re surprised? “Well, I’ll beak!”
  26. Why did the parrot start a blog? To share its “feather“-insights!
  27. What do you call a parrot with a map? “Nav”-parrot!
  28. Why was the parrot so good at basketball? It had excellent “squawk”-eye coordination!
  29. What’s a parrot’s favorite dessert? “Poly”-fudge!
  30. How did the parrot become a pilot? It mastered “wing”-maneuvers!
  31. Why did the parrot go to the library? To check out some “tweet”-les!
  32. What do you get when you cross a parrot and a snowman? Frosty the “Squawk”-man!
  33. Why did the parrot join the theater? It loved to perform “beak”-monologues!
  34. How do parrots communicate in space? With “cosmic” squawks!
  35. What do you call a parrot that loves to garden? “Petal”-parrot!
  36. Why was the parrot afraid of heights? It was “chicken” to fly too high!
  37. What’s a parrot’s favorite fruit? “Caw”-taloupe!
  38. How did the parrot start its own business? It had excellent “beak”-keeping skills!
  39. What do you call a parrot detective? “Sherlock Squawks”!
  40. Why did the parrot start a fashion line? It was a “trend”-setter!
  41. What do you get when you cross a parrot and a pirate? A “squawk”-buckler!
  42. Why did the parrot go to the gym? To work on its “wing”-ups!
  43. What’s a parrot’s favorite TV show? “Game of Perches”!
  44. How did the parrot become a scientist? It loved to “ex-plore” new things!
  45. What do you call a parrot with a hammer? A “carp”-parrot!
  46. Why was the parrot a successful author? It had a way with “word”-feathers!
  47. What’s a parrot’s favorite board game? “Tweeter-totter”!
  48. How did the parrot become a DJ? It had a talent for “tweet”-mixing!
  49. What do you get when you cross a parrot and a firefighter? A “squawk”-extinguisher!
  50. Why did the parrot go to the comedy club? To show off its “wing”-man act!

Parrot One Liners

Parrot One Liners

Here is our top list of parrot one liners. Find your favorite one liner about parrot, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Parrots: nature’s colorful chatterboxes.
  2. When in doubt, talk to a parrot – they always have something to say.
  3. Parrots: the true masters of mimicry.
  4. A parrot’s vocabulary can leave you amazed.
  5. Why sing alone when you can have a parrot duet?
  6. Parrots make great companions with their sociable nature.
  7. “Polly want a cracker?” – A classic parrot catchphrase.
  8. Parrots can turn any room into a lively gathering.
  9. Parrots: where beauty meets intelligence.
  10. You can’t ignore a parrot’s charm.
  11. If you need advice, talk to a wise parrot.
  12. Parrots – the talkative members of the avian family.
  13. With a parrot around, silence becomes rare.
  14. A parrot’s vivid colors are a feast for the eyes.
  15. Parrots know the art of stealing hearts.
  16. Make a parrot your friend, and you’ll never be lonely.
  17. Parrots: the living embodiment of a rainbow.
  18. Don’t underestimate a parrot’s wit and wisdom.
  19. Life’s better with a parrot perched on your shoulder.
  20. Parrots prove that birds can be excellent conversationalists.
  21. Talking to a parrot is like talking to a feathered friend.
  22. Parrots can brighten the dullest of days.
  23. Parrots: making every moment melodious.
  24. Who needs a radio when you have a chatty parrot?
  25. A parrot’s voice can be music to your ears.
  26. Parrots are the real-life mimics of the animal kingdom.
  27. Want a lively atmosphere? Bring in a parrot!
  28. Parrots: the masters of imitating human speech.
  29. No language barrier with a parrot – they understand love.
  30. Parrots can teach us a thing or two about communication.
  31. Life’s more colorful with a parrot by your side.
  32. Parrots have the gift of turning words into laughter.
  33. Parrots: your ticket to endless entertainment.
  34. Talking with a parrot is like conversing with an old soul.
  35. Parrots: where intelligence and beauty coexist.
  36. A parrot’s company can soothe even the weariest of hearts.
  37. Parrots know how to make their presence felt.
  38. Who needs comedy shows when you have a parrot cracking jokes?
  39. Parrots are the VIPs of the bird world.
  40. Having a parrot means a lifetime of joyful conversations.

10 Best Parrot Jokes

Best Parrot Jokes

These special parrot jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about parrots!

  1. Why did the parrot join the comedy club? Because it had a beak for making people laugh!
  2. What do you call a parrot who loves to rap? “Polyrhyme” – the feathered rapper!
  3. Why did the parrot go to school? To learn proper “wing”-uage and improve its grammar!
  4. What did the parrot say when it saw a beautiful sunset? “Feather”-ific!
  5. Why did the parrot become a detective? It was a natural at solving “whodunit” mysteries!
  6. What’s a parrot’s favorite game at the beach? “Polly”ball – they love to play with beach balls!
  7. Why was the parrot always invited to parties? It knew how to “wing” it and keep conversations lively!
  8. What do you call a parrot with a map? A “navi-gator” – they’re great at finding their way around!
  9. Why was the parrot a successful painter? It knew how to “draw” a crowd with its colorful art!
  10. What’s a parrot’s favorite type of TV show? “Squawk”umentaries – they love to learn about the world!

10 Funny Facts about Parrots

Funny Facts About Parrot

Here are some funny and interesting facts about parrots.

  1. Parrots are the comedians of the bird world – they love to mimic human laughter and jokes!
  2. Some parrots can outlive their owners, making them the ultimate “forever” companions.
  3. Parrots can dance! Watch them bust a move and groove to the beat – they’ve got some fancy footwork!
  4. Ever heard of a bilingual bird? Some parrots can learn and speak multiple languages – talk about polyglot parrots!
  5. Parrots can be picky eaters too! They might refuse a treat they don’t like, no matter how much you offer it.
  6. Ever met a parrot with a green thumb? They love to chew on plants and leaves, turning into little feathered gardeners!
  7. Parrots are social butterflies – they enjoy showing off their tricks and talents to impress their fellow feathered friends.
  8. Parrots are little detectives – they are curious and will investigate anything new that comes into their environment.
  9. Not all parrots talk, but that doesn’t stop them from trying! Some parrots are forever practicing their words, even if they never quite get it right.
  10. Parrots can be early birds or night owls – their sleeping habits vary, just like ours!

Final Thoughts

We hope these parrot jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.