105 Funny Nose Puns That Will Make You LOL

We have gathered 100 funny nose jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best nose puns to cheer you up. These nose jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these nose one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Nose Puns

Puns About Nose

Here is the list of the best nose puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about noses, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of noses!

  1. Why did the nose apply for a job? It wanted to pick up a few scents!
  2. When does a nose stop being your nose? When it becomes a scent-sational detective!
  3. My friend‘s nose is so big, it has its own zip code.
  4. What do you call a nose that tells jokes? A pun-dit!
  5. I once knew a nose that could smell trouble from a mile away – it was a real “nostril-damus.”
  6. Did you hear about the nose that robbed a bank? It made a clean getaway!
  7. Why did the nose go to school? To get a little “a-nostril-edge”!
  8. How do you greet a nose? With a big “smell-o”!
  9. Why was the nose always in trouble? It couldn’t “sniff” out the right path!
  10. What did one nose say to the other? “You smell funny!”
  11. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing and couldn’t ketchup!
  12. If noses could drive, where would they go? To the “scent-er” of the Earth!
  13. What do you call a nose that’s always nosy? A “snoop-ril”!
  14. I told my friend a nose joke, and he just sniffed at it.
  15. Why was the computer cold? Because it left its Windows open!
  16. What did one nose say to the other during an argument? “Stop being so con-no-scent-ious!”
  17. I once met a nose that loved classical music it had a great “nose” for Beethoven!
  18. What do you call a nose with a cold? A “sneeze-er”!
  19. Why did the nose apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to sniff out some dough!
  20. Did you hear about the nose that went to the art gallery? It appreciated the “scent-sational” artwork!
  21. Why was the nose always the first to arrive at the party? It could “smell” the fun!
  22. What did one nose say to the other at the perfume store? “This place really stinks!”
  23. Why did the nose blush? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  24. I asked my nose if it wanted to hear a joke, but it turned up its nostrils at me.
  25. What’s a nose’s favorite type of humor? Punny jokes, of course!
  26. How does a nose keep its glasses from fogging up? It uses “anti-mist” spray!
  27. Why did the nose bring a ladder to the scent factory? It wanted to climb the corporate ladder!
  28. What do you call a sneezing nose? A “tissue issue”!
  29. My nose and I have a great relationship – it always knows when I need a tissue.
  30. What did one nose say to the other during a romantic dinner? “I nose you’re the one for me!”
  31. Why did the nose start a band? It wanted to pick up some “nose-talgia”!
  32. What did the chef say when the nose entered the kitchen? “This place isn’t just for ‘nosey’ people!
  33. Why did the nose become a detective? It had a keen “scent” of justice!
  34. I tried to hide from my nose, but it always knew where I was.
  35. What’s a nose’s favorite game? Hide and “scent”!
  36. Why did the nose go on a diet? It wanted to shed a few “nostril-lbs”!
  37. I told my nose a secret, and it couldn’t keep it – it “sniffed” it out!
  38. What did one nose say to the other in the winter? “I’m feeling a bit stuffy!
  39. Why did the nose bring a map to the forest? It wanted to “scent-er” itself!
  40. What did the sneezing nose say to the other nose? “I’m feeling a bit under the weather!”
  41. Why did the Nose join a comedy club? To get a few laughs – it’s got a great “nose” for humor!
  42. My nose is so good at finding things; it should be a professional hide-and-seek player.
  43. What do you call a nose that’s always late? Slow-poke-a-nose!
  44. Why did the nose refuse to play cards? It didn’t want to deal with any “sniff-tricks”!
  45. What’s a nose’s favorite kind of music? Anything that’s “sniff-tastically” good!
  46. Why was the nose always calm in stressful situations? Because it knew how to “nose” it was going to end!
  47. Did you hear about the nose that became a chef? It cooked up some “smell-icious” dishes!
  48. My nose is the best alarm clock – it wakes up before me!
  49. Why did the nose enroll in a dance class? It wanted to learn the “scent-sational” moves!
  50. What do you call a nose that’s always telling jokes? A “comed-i-nose”!

Nose One Liners

Nose One Liners

Here is our top list of nose one liners. Find your favorite one liner about noses, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Noses are like opinions; everyone’s got one!
  2. The nose knows when dinner’s ready.
  3. A runny nose is like a leaky faucet for emotions.
  4. My nose leads the way in hide-and-seek.
  5. The nose: the unsung hero of smelling roses.
  6. Noses: the ultimate lie detectors.
  7. I can’t stand cold noses in winter!
  8. Noses: the built-in scent detectives.
  9. When in doubt, follow your nose.
  10. Noses: the body’s natural GPS.
  11. Noses are like snowflakes; each one is unique.
  12. The nose always knows the best coffee spots.
  13. Noses are our personal aroma DJs.
  14. Ever notice how noses are always “up” for an adventure?
  15. Noses: the ultimate mood barometer.
  16. A nose in the books is a wise nose indeed.
  17. Sneezing is just your nose clapping for you.
  18. Noses are the real-life Sherlock Holmes of smells.
  19. The nose is the ultimate taste tester.
  20. Noses are proof we’re all nosy by nature.
  21. Noses: the real-time weather forecasters.
  22. Noses are like antennas for delicious scents.
  23. A stuffy nose is the body’s way of hitting pause.
  24. Noses: the true connoisseurs of fresh air.
  25. A nose is the world’s smallest flashlight.
  26. Noses are nature’s built-in perfume testers.
  27. The nose is the sneak peek of a good meal.
  28. Noses are like fingerprints; no two are alike.
  29. Noses are the first responders to a bad smell.
  30. I follow my nose to the ice cream truck!
  31. Noses: the body’s natural air purifiers.
  32. My nose is my personal bug detector.
  33. Noses are the original air fresheners.
  34. A ticklish nose is the body’s hidden laugh button.
  35. Noses are like cats; they always land on their scents.
  36. A cold nose is just a reminder to wear a scarf!
  37. Noses: the ultimate scent-tists of the body.
  38. Noses are like detectives for food aromas.
  39. The nose: where curiosity and allergies collide.
  40. Noses are the keepers of secret scents.

Best Nose Jokes

Best Nose Jokes

These unique nose jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about noses!

For Kids

  1. Why did the nose go to school? To get a little “smarts-tissue”!
  2. What’s a nose’s favorite game? Hide and “scent”!
  3. Why did the nose bring a ladder to the library? It wanted to read between the “scent-ses!

For Teens

  1. Why did the teenager’s nose join a rock band? It wanted to be a “rock-nose” star!
  2. What do you call a nose that’s always texting? A “sniff-chat” addict!
  3. Did you hear about the Cool Nose that started a podcast? It’s all about “nostril-izing” the truth!

For Adults

  1. Why did the nose break up with the mouth? It got tired of being “sniffed” out by gossip!
  2. What did the nose say at the wine tasting? “This bouquet has some serious ‘nose-talgia’!”
  3. Did you hear about the detective with a cold? He solved the case of the missing tissues with his “scent-sational” skills!

For Seniors

  1. Why did the wise old nose never get lost? It had a lifetime of “scent-er” experience!
  2. What’s a senior’s secret to a long life? Lots of laughter and a keen nose for good food!
  3. Did you hear about the retired nose? It’s finally taking a break from all the “sniffing” around!

For Everyone

  1. Why did the nose apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to sniff out some dough!
  2. What did the perfume say to the nose? “Stop being so ‘nosy’ about my secrets!”
  3. Ever notice how noses are like friends? They’re always there, even when you’re not paying attention!

10 Funny Facts about Nose

Funny Facts About Nose

Here are some funny and interesting facts about noses.

  1. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents, but it still can’t find your lost keys.
  2. Sneezes can travel at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour, making them the sports cars of bodily functions.
  3. The scientific term for the fear of noses is “paxinosophobia,” but don’t worry, it’s quite rare.
  4. A nose can detect one drop of perfume in an area the size of a football field, making it the ultimate scent detective.
  5. Noses are like snowflakes; no two are exactly alike, which makes each one a unique work of art.
  6. Smelling coffee can wake you up, but smelling money won’t make you rich – unless you work at a mint!
  7. The world record for the longest sneezing spree is held by a man who sneezed continuously for 978 days. That’s a nose marathon!
  8. Your nose produces about one liter of mucus every day, which is like your body’s way of saying, “Stay hydrated!”
  9. Noses are the body’s natural air filters, catching dust and particles before they reach your lungs. They’re like tiny bouncers at the body’s club!
  10. In ancient Rome, people believed that the shape of your nose could reveal your personality. They must have had some “nosey” philosophers back then!

Final Thoughts

We hope these nose jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of anatomy jokes.

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.