105 Funny Mouth Puns That Will Make You Giggle

We have gathered 100 funny mouth jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best mouth puns to cheer you up. These mouth jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these mouth one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Mouth Puns

Puns About Mouth

Here is the list of the best mouth puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about the mouth, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of mouth!

  1. Why did the dentist take up gardening? He wanted to flossom his skills.
  2. When the dentist opened his office, it was a plaque-tectonic shift.
  3. My dentist told me I needed a crown. I said, “Sure, I know I’m royalty!”
  4. What do you call a group of musical teeth? A plaqueoon!
  5. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  6. I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my mouth.
  7. Did you hear about the dentist who became a baseball coach? He knows all about the tooth base!
  8. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? “Fill me in when you get back!”
  9. My dentist is a real comedian. He always cracks me up while I’m in the chair.
  10. Dentists are experts at making your problems bite-sized.
  11. Why did the toothbrush go to school? To get a little bristle education!
  12. My friend is addicted to chewing gum. He won’t let anyone gum between him and his gum.
  13. What’s a dentist’s favorite game? Tooth or Consequences!
  14. When dentists go on vacation, they love to floss-ick in the sun.
  15. Dentists always have a bright smile; they’re good at cavi-tee!
  16. Did you hear about the dental hygienist who became a gardener? She can really make your gums bloom!
  17. What did one tooth say to the other tooth? “I’m so bored; there’s no bite in this conversation.”
  18. Why did the tooth go to the dentist by itself? It wanted to get to the root of the problem!
  19. Dentists are good at telling you what’s in-crown-venient.
  20. My dentist’s favorite book? “The Plaque Panther.
  21. What’s a dentist’s favorite time of day? Tooth-hurty!
  22. My dentist told me I needed a bridge. I said, “Can you make it a suspension bridge?
  23. Why don’t dentists ever get tired of their jobs? They have a lot of fillings!
  24. The dentist’s favorite game? Checkers (and cavities)!
  25. What does a dentist do on a roller coaster? He braces himself!
  26. My dentist’s motto: “Floss like a boss!”
  27. Why did the chewing gum cross the road? It was stuck to the chicken’s foot!
  28. I tried to make a dental appointment but couldn’t get one – they were all filled.
  29. What’s the best way to find a dentist? Look for the tooth-hurty advertisement.
  30. Why did the toothpaste go to the dentist? It needed a little “paste-tense.”
  31. The tooth fairy must be wealthy, considering all the crowns she collects!
  32. What did the tooth say to the departing dentist? “You were so fill-arious!”
  33. Did you hear about the tooth that wanted to be a rock star? It had some great “fill-ins.
  34. Why did the dentist take up gardening? To “root” out problems!
  35. Dentists make terrible baseball players – they always hit the tooth fairy!
  36. Did you hear about the dentist who went on a roller coaster? He lost his patients!
  37. My dentist has a sweet tooth – he loves to “crown” it with candy.
  38. Why did the toothbrush apply for a job? It wanted to brush up on its skills.
  39. What did the dentist say to the computer? “This won’t hurt a byte!”
  40. Why did the toothbrush refuse to share? Because it’s a little bristle.
  41. I asked the dentist if I could get a discount. He said, “Tooth-hurty percent off!”
  42. Why was the belt arrested? Because it was holding up a pair of pants!
  43. Dentists make great detectives – they always get to the tooth of the matter!
  44. Why was the dentist calm during the procedure? He knew the drill!
  45. My dentist is like a magician. He can make your cavities disappear!
  46. What did the toothpaste say to the toothbrush? “Don’t take it personally, but I’m the one who really gets the job done!”
  47. Dentists make the world a better place, one smile at a time.
  48. Did you hear about the dentist who won the lottery? He had the winning fillings!
  49. What’s a dentist’s favorite movie? “Plaque to the Future”!
  50. Why did the mouth go to school? To get a little tongue-tion!

Mouth One Liners

Mouth One Liners

Here is our top list of mouth one liners. Find your favorite one liner about mouth, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. My mouth and I have an open-door policy; it’s always open for food!
  2. A smile is a universal welcome mat for the world.
  3. If mouths had their own social network, they’d be all about “taste-booking.”
  4. My mouth is a mystery solver – it always finds the missing potato chips.
  5. Life is short; eat dessert first – says my mouth.
  6. My mouth has a sweet tooth and a savory tooth; it’s quite the multitasker.
  7. My mouth’s favorite sport? Snack-erobics!
  8. Talking with your mouth full is just chewing the fat.
  9. My mouth’s best friend is a spoon; they’re inseparable.
  10. The mouth is the gateway to adventure – one bite at a time.
  11. The best kind of conversation? The one with your mouth full of pizza!
  12. I have a dental plan – it’s called “hope and pray.”
  13. My mouth believes in dessert before dinner; it’s a rebel!
  14. A yawn is your mouth’s way of saying, “I need a snack!”
  15. My mouth has a “no veggies left behind” policy.
  16. My mouth’s favorite holiday? Thanksgiving, of course!
  17. My mouth is a VIP at the snack bar – it never waits in line.
  18. I speak fluent food – my mouth is my translator.
  19. If my mouth could vote, it would always choose pizza as the president.
  20. My mouth’s dream job? Official food critic.
  21. My mouth and I share a mutual love for tacos – it’s a lifelong commitment.
  22. My mouth is the captain of the flavor ship, navigating tasty waters.
  23. A smile is the best accessory a mouth can wear.
  24. My mouth believes in the magic of breakfast for dinner.
  25. My mouth loves surprises, especially when they’re edible.
  26. My mouth is a word magician – it turns food into smiles.
  27. My mouth’s favorite hobby? Sampling snacks from around the world.
  28. My mouth’s idea of heaven is an all-you-can-eat buffet.
  29. My mouth can’t keep a secret, especially when it’s about cookies.
  30. My mouth’s motto: “Eat well, laugh often, love much.”
  31. My mouth is an optimist – it’s always half full of dessert.
  32. My mouth’s ideal day involves endless cups of hot chocolate.
  33. My mouth believes in the power of comfort food hugs.
  34. My mouth is the master of taste testing; it takes its job very seriously.
  35. My mouth is a midnight-snacking pro; it never sleeps.
  36. My mouth’s favorite season? BBQ season, hands down.
  37. My mouth knows that sharing food is sharing love.
  38. My mouth has a green thumb – it loves everything that’s fried.
  39. My mouth’s best friend is the fridge; they have a cool relationship.
  40. My mouth’s secret to happiness? Good food and great company.

Best Mouth Jokes

Best Mouth Jokes

These unique mouth jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about the mouth!

For Kids

  1. Why did the cookie go to the dentist? Because it lost its filling!

For Teens

  1. How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it – just like you do with your mouth on the dance floor!

For Food Lovers

  1. What did the mouth say to the snack? “You complete me!”

For Dental Hygiene Enthusiasts

  1. Why did the toothpaste go to therapy? It had too many deep-rooted issues.

For Comedy Fans

  1. Did you hear about the mouth that told the best jokes? It had a real “taste” for humor!

For Fitness Buffs

  1. My mouth is my personal trainer; it insists on doing reps with chips!

For Science Geeks

  1. Why did the biologist become a dentist? Because they wanted to study “cell”-f-care!

For Travelers

  1. What did one mouth say to the other while on vacation? “Let’s try all the local flavors!”

For Music Enthusiasts

  1. What do you call a singing mouth? An “opera-tunist”!

For Fashionistas

  1. Why did the mouth wear lipstick to the barbecue? It wanted to make a smokin’ impression!

For Sports Fans

  1. How do you make a mouth exercise? Feed it a football and let it do some “touchdowns!

For Pet Lovers

  1. Why did the dog sit in front of the mouth? It heard there were “bone“-appetit meals inside!

For DIY Enthusiasts

  1. My mouth is great at home improvement; it’s always “remodeling” the kitchen!

For Movie Buffs

  1. What did the popcorn say to the mouth at the movies? You butter believe I’ll be right there with you!

For Bookworms

  1. Why was the mouth so excited about the library? It heard there were a lot of “word-of-mouth” recommendations!

10 Funny Facts About Mouth

Funny Facts About Mouth

Here are some funny and interesting facts about the mouth.

  1. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva each day. That’s enough to fill a big water bottle – just don’t drink it!
  2. On average, you spend about two weeks of your life just brushing your teeth. That’s like a dental vacation!
  3. Your tongue is home to thousands of taste buds, and they can distinguish between sweet, salty, sour, and bitter – they’re the real taste experts.
  4. The strongest muscle in your body is the one you use for chewing – the mighty jaw muscle. It’s like a mini weightlifter in your mouth!
  5. Your mouth is a busy place. You can produce around 20,000 words a day – that’s enough for a novel every week!
  6. Ever wondered why your mouth waters when you see food? It’s your body’s way of saying, “Get ready, here comes something delicious!”
  7. Your mouth is like a fingerprint – it’s unique to you. No two people have the same set of teeth, tongue, and gums.
  8. You swallow about 600 times a day without even thinking about it. It’s like a non-stop ride at the saliva amusement park!
  9. Kissing can burn calories – around 2 to 3 calories a minute. So, pucker up for a workout that’s truly lip-smacking!
  10. In some cultures, sticking out your tongue can be a sign of respect. It’s like saying, “I’m not a threat, I come in peace – and with a friendly tongue!”

Final Thoughts

We hope these mouth jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of anatomy jokes.

Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.