100 Funny Jokes About Papers That Will Cheer You Up

We have gathered 100 funny paper jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best paper puns to cheer you up. These paper jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these paper one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Paper Puns

Puns About Paper

Here is the list of the best paper puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about paper, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of paper!

  1. Why did the paper go to therapy? It had too many creases in its self-esteem.
  2. What did the paper say to the pencil? “You draw me in every time!
  3. How did the paper flirt with the envelope? It slipped in a sweet note.
  4. Why do paper jokes always make us laugh? Because they’re tear-ribly funny!
  5. What’s a paper’s favorite party game? Spin the bottle – it loves a good twist!
  6. Why did the paper blush? It saw the scissors and got cut in the act.
  7. How did the paper make amends with the eraser? It wrote an apology note.
  8. What’s a paper’s favorite vacation spot? The ream forest – it’s always a sheet delight!
  9. Why did the paper get in trouble at school? It had too many loose leafs.
  10. What did the paper say during a race? “I’m on a roll!”
  11. How did the paper fix its mistakes? It used white-out – it’s all about second chances!
  12. Why did the paper go to the gym? It wanted to get ripped!
  13. What did the paper do when it was feeling down? It folded and found a new perspective.
  14. Why was the paper a good detective? It always followed the paper trail.
  15. How did the paper make friends? It was very sheet-forward and easy to bond with!
  16. Why was the paper so confident? It had a strong sense of paper-identity.
  17. What’s a paper’s favorite hobby? Origami – it loves to fold in new experiences.
  18. How does paper apologize? With a heartfelt “I’m stationery sorry!”
  19. Why did the paper refuse to fight? It believed in peaceful resolutions.
  20. What’s a paper’s favorite music? Anything that’s tear-jerking!
  21. How did the paper get a promotion? It proved it could handle any situation, even sticky ones.
  22. Why did the paper throw a party? It wanted to celebrate its cut-ting edge humor!
  23. What did the paper say when it got a compliment? “You’re really ink-redible!”
  24. Why was the paper so well-liked? It was always willing to lend an ear.
  25. How did the paper prepare for exams? It crammed all night!
  26. What did the paper say to the envelope on Valentine’s Day? “You complete me!”
  27. Why did the paper feel famous? Because it was always in the headlines!
  28. How did the paper make sure it wasn’t forgotten? It left a lasting impression.
  29. What’s a paper’s favorite sport? Volley-paperball – it loves to serve up some fun!
  30. Why did the paper go to the dance? It heard it was a tear-jerker!
  31. How did the paper prove it was trustworthy? It always stuck to its promises.
  32. Why did the paper go on a diet? It wanted to lose a few sheets.
  33. What’s a paper’s favorite TV show? “Folden Girls” – it loves a good sitcom twist!
  34. How did the paper become a teacher’s pet? It always had neat ideas!
  35. Why was the paper so well-mannered? It knew how to make a good impression.
  36. What did the paper say to the ruler? “You’re really on the straight and narrow!”
  37. How did the paper stay calm under pressure? It kept its cool in any situation.
  38. Why did the paper enjoy puzzles? It loved to piece things together.
  39. What’s a paper’s favorite accessory? A paper clip – it’s always attached to it!
  40. How did the paper handle rejection? It just rolled with it.
  41. Why did the paper get a standing ovation? It unfolded an amazing performance!
  42. What’s a paper’s favorite food? Wrap music – it’s all about the flavor!
  43. How did the paper become a motivational speaker? It knew how to uplift and inspire.
  44. Why did the paper break up with the notebook? It found someone who was more “bound” to it.
  45. What’s a paper’s favorite subject in school? Art – it loves to get creative!
  46. How did the paper become a fashionista? It always knew how to dress up an outfit.
  47. Why was the paper invited to all the parties? It knew how to bring the right “fold” vibes!
  48. What’s a paper’s favorite game console? The “X-Fold” – it’s all about the gaming folds!
  49. How did the paper handle criticism? It took it with grace and a paper-thin skin.
  50. Why did the paper get a medal? It was an expert in the field of jokes, after all!

Paper One Liners

Paper One Liners

Here is our top list of paper one liners. Find your favorite one liner about paper, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Paper airplanes: because even paper wants to travel!
  2. I told my paper it was exceptional – it blushed all over.
  3. Paper cuts: nature’s way of reminding us it’s not all digital.
  4. I asked my paper if I wanted to take a break. It just folded.
  5. Paper’s like a silent partner – it’s in every story.
  6. Why did the paper become a comedian? It had tear-ible jokes!
  7. My paper’s a social butterfly – it loves mingling with envelopes.
  8. Paper’s got layers – like an onion, but less smelly.
  9. Paper therapy: helping you unfold your feelings.
  10. Paper clips: keeping paper relationships together.
  11. Paper never says no – it just folds.
  12. Paper’s not a fan of scissors – they always cut in.
  13. The paper’s a minimalist – it makes a statement with less.
  14. The paper says, “Bring on the ink, I can handle the pressure!”
  15. Paper’s all about that blank space, ’bout that space, no trouble.
  16. The paper knows the real value of “paper or plastic.”
  17. The paper’s the real origami master – folding in style.
  18. Who needs paper therapy? We all do – we’re all a little creased.
  19. My paper’s so smart, it’s got a degree in paperology.
  20. Why did the paper cross the road? To get to the office supply store!
  21. Paper’s like a chameleon – it adapts to any story.
  22. Paper has its own fan club – it’s called the wind.
  23. Paper’s the OG when it comes to screen time.
  24. I complimented my paper, and it blushed so hard, it ripped.
  25. My paper’s the life of the printer party.
  26. Paper’s eco-friendly – it’s all about that recycling life.
  27. I asked my paper for a joke – it handed me a blank stare.
  28. Paper’s got a secret – it’s the ultimate listener.
  29. Paper: making thoughts tangible since forever.
  30. I introduced my paper to the computer – they had a folder discussion.
  31. Paper’s got its own soundtrack – the rustle of ideas.
  32. I asked my paper to dance, and it waltzed right off the table.
  33. The paper’s like a mirror – reflecting back our thoughts.
  34. Paper’s a wizard – it can transform into almost anything.
  35. My paper’s a natural multitasker – it can be a letter and a doodle pad.
  36. Paper’s like a treasure map – it leads to discoveries.
  37. Paper’s a true artist – it embraces every stroke of the pen.
  38. I told my paper it’s a rock star – it tried to stage dive.
  39. Paper’s got its own travel plans – it dreams of becoming a paper plane.
  40. Paper’s got a library of stories – it’s an open book for ideas.

10 Best Paper Jokes

These special paper jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about paper!

  1. Why did the paper go to therapy? It couldn’t handle the weight of its issues!
  2. What did the paper say to the computer? “You’ve got a lot of byte, but I’ve got more sheet!”
  3. Why was the paper cold? It was caught in the draft.
  4. How does paper feel when it’s crumpled? It’s just trying to keep it together.
  5. What did the paper do at the party? It brought the jokes and got everyone in stitches!
  6. Why did the paper refuse to fight with the pen? It knew the pen was mightier, but it had more edge.
  7. What do you call paper that’s feeling down? Tearable – it’s always ready to vent!
  8. Why was the paper embarrassed? It saw the ruler and realized it wasn’t as straight as it thought.
  9. What did the paper say when it got a promotion? “I’m on a roll!”
  10. How did the paper get a standing ovation? It unfolded its punchline and brought the house down!

10 Funny Facts About Paper

Funny Facts About Paper

Here are some funny and interesting facts about paper.

  1. Paper loves to be on stage – it’s always ready to unfold a good story.
  2. If paper could dance, it would totally rock the “torn-tango” moves.
  3. Paper’s a natural minimalist – it knows how to make a statement with just a few lines.
  4. Ever notice paper’s secret talent? It’s a master at holding things together without any drama.
  5. Paper and scissors are actually rivals in disguise – they’re always cutting in on each other’s business.
  6. Paper’s the ultimate life coach – it’s all about helping you get your thoughts in order.
  7. You know the paper’s a fan of recycling – it’s all about getting a second chance to shine.
  8. Paper is like a social media platform for words – it’s where thoughts gather to connect.
  9. When paper is in the printer, it’s like a performer waiting for its cue to shine on the stage of life.
  10. The paper’s a real origami enthusiast – it loves to fold itself into new adventures every day.

Final Thoughts

We hope these paper jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.