110 Funny Puns and Jokes About Lime

We have gathered 100 funny Lime jokes, one liners, and the best Lime puns to freak you out. These Lime jokes are great for both kids and adults to enjoy! All of these Lime one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Lime

Lime puns

Here is the list of the best Lime puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about Lime, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of Lime!

  1. What did the lime say to the lemon? Sour you doing?
  2. Why did the lime go to the party? It wanted to turnip the music!
  3. What’s a lime’s favorite type of music? Lime-a-reggae!
  4. How do you make a lime stop rolling? Just give it a little peel!
  5. What did the lime say to the orange at the beach? You’re really zest-worthy!
  6. Why was the lime sad? It felt squeezed out of all the attention.
  7. What did the lime say when it was asked to join the guacamole? No whey!
  8. Why did the lime break up with the lemon? It couldn’t find the right zest!
  9. How do you make a lime float? Put it in some fizzy soda and give it a little twist!
  10. What did the lime say to the lemon during a race? Peel you later!
  11. Why did the lime go to the art gallery? It wanted to brush up on its citrus-tory!
  12. What did the lime say to the grapefruit? You’re my main squeeze!
  13. Why did the lime go to the doctor? It wasn’t peeling well!
  14. What’s a lime’s favorite exercise? Lime-ups!
  15. How did the lime escape from prison? It squeezed through the bars!
  16. What do you call a lime that plays guitar? A citrus riff-er!
  17. Why did the lime get in trouble at school? It was being too tart-y!
  18. How do you fix a broken lime? With a citrus-aid!
  19. What did the lime say when it bumped into a lemon? Oops, my zest!
  20. Why did the lime go to the casino? It wanted to try its luck at lime-bling!
  21. How do you make a lime car? Just squeeze it into shape!
  22. What do you call a mischievous lime? A little sour-puss!
  23. Why did the lime refuse to share its toys? It was feeling a bit selfish-lychee!
  24. How do you make a lime laugh? Just give it a little tickle!
  25. What did the lime say to the lemon in the boxing ring? Let’s squeeze this out, citrus-style!
  26. Why did the lime become an astronaut? It wanted to explore the sour-outer space!
  27. How do you know when a lime is hiding something? It looks a little bit shifty-lime!
  28. What did the lime say to the orange during a game? Let’s keep the citrus-y going!
  29. Why did the lime refuse to jump in the blender? It didn’t want to be juiced!
  30. How do you make a lime pie? Just add a little zest and a whole lot of lime!
  31. What do you call a lime that’s been through tough times? A survivor-lime!
  32. Why did the lime refuse to join the dance party? It couldn’t find the right twist!
  33. How do you make a lime feel better? Just give it a little squeeze!
  34. What did the lime say to the watermelon? You’ve got a lot of rind-terest!
  35. Why did the lime become a detective? It had a knack for solving zest-eries!
  36. How do you make a lime smile? Just add a little sunshine and a dash of zest!
  37. What did the lime say to the orange at the gym? Let’s get citrus-fit!
  38. Why did the lime break up with the lemon? It realized they had no common zest-tinations!
  39. How do you make a lime think? Just give it a little lime-light!
  40. What did the lime say when it won the lottery? I’m rolling in the citrus!
  41. Why did Lime start a band? It had a lot of zest for music!
  42. How do you make a lime appreciate life? Just show it the brighter side of things!
  43. What did the lime say to the lemon during a thunderstorm? Let’s make some electric zest!
  44. Why did the lime go to school? It wanted to be well-rounded!
  45. How do you make a lime stop arguing? Just squeeze out the tension!
  46. What did the lime say to the coconut? You’re one tough nut to crack!
  47. Why did Lime become a comedian? It had a natural zest for humor!
  48. How do you make a lime feel like a superstar? Just give it a little limelight!
  49. What did the lime say when it saw a lemon falling from a tree? Watch out below-sour!
  50. Why did the lime turn red? It saw the lemon blush!

Lime One Liners

Limes One Liners
Limes One Liners

Here is our top list of Lime one liners. Find your favorite one liner about Lime, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Lime: the zest is yet to come.
  2. Lime knows how to squeeze the day.
  3. Lime, the citrus champion.
  4. When life gives you limes, make margaritas!
  5. Lime: the ultimate twist in the citrus world.
  6. Lime-azing flavors in a tiny package.
  7. Lime is the key ingredient to a refreshing day.
  8. A lime a day keeps the scurvy away.
  9. Lime: the secret ingredient to culinary perfection.
  10. Lime, the unsung hero of the fruit basket.
  11. Lime is the green star of the citrus show.
  12. Lime: sour, but full of zest for life.
  13. Limes: adding a tangy twist to any dish.
  14. Lime is nature’s way of saying, “Stay zesty!”
  15. A slice of lime can turn any drink into a tropical escape.
  16. Limes: the little green wonders of flavor.
  17. Lime brings the tang that makes taste buds sing.
  18. Lime, the squeezy green gem.
  19. Limes: the tiny grenades of citrus flavor.
  20. Lime adds the perfect pucker to any recipe.
  21. A squeeze of lime makes everything sublime.
  22. Lime: the citrus superhero in disguise.
  23. Limes: small, but bursting with tangy potential.
  24. Lime is the zest of both worlds.
  25. Limes: the sour stars of the fruit bowl.
  26. A dash of lime makes any moment more refreshing.
  27. Lime: the flavor that makes your taste buds dance.
  28. Limes: the secret weapon in the culinary arsenal.
  29. Lime is the ultimate palate cleanser.
  30. When it is doubt, squeeze some lime out.
  31. Limes: adding a zesty pop to your day.
  32. Lime: the green jewel of the citrus family.
  33. A lime a day keeps the blandness away.
  34. Lime: the tangy companion to any food adventure.
  35. Limes: the sour notes that harmonize any dish.
  36. Lime adds a citrusy punch to your plate.
  37. Lime: the tiny green burst of flavor.
  38. Limes: the tangy surprise your taste buds crave.
  39. Lime, the sour sidekick steals the show.
  40. A squeeze of lime brings dishes to life.
  41. Lime: the citrus spark that ignites flavor.
  42. Limes: the zing that makes you sing.
  43. Lime adds a citrus twist to your favorite recipes.
  44. Lime: the green magic in the kitchen.
  45. Limes: the flavor grenades of the fruit world.
  46. A dash of lime makes any drink shine.
  47. Lime is the sour side of paradise.
  48. Limes: the green companions to your culinary adventures.
  49. Lime: the tangy reminder that life is full of flavor.
  50. Lime adds a zesty kick to every bite.

10 Best Lime Jokes

best Lime jokes

These special lime puns and jokes are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about limes!

  1. Why did the lime refuse to become a comedian? It thought the punchlines were too tart.
  2. What did the lime say to its skeptical friend? “Don’t be so citrus-picious!
  3. Why did Lime start taking yoga classes? It wanted to find inner zest.
  4. How do limes communicate with each other? Through lime-berjacks!
  5. What do you call a lime that’s afraid to go outside? A scaredy-citrus!
  6. Why did the lime go to the party alone? It didn’t want to be a third zest.
  7. What’s a lime’s favorite type of footwear? Lime-flip flops!
  8. How do you make a lime stop floating in the pool? Just scream, “LIME OUT!
  9. What’s a lime’s favorite workout routine? Limber-cise!
  10. Why did the lime take up gardening? It wanted to experience personal lime-growth.

10 Funny Facts about Lime

Funny Facts About Limes
Funny Facts About Limes

Here are some funny and interesting facts about Lime.

  1. Limes have a great sense of humor. They love pulling “lime-larious” pranks on lemons.
  2. Limes are the ultimate party fruit. They always know how to zest up the atmosphere!
  3. Did you know that limes are excellent dancers? They have a special move called the “limbo-lime.”
  4. Limes are experts at avoiding awkward situations. They always know when to make a smooth exit.
  5. If you ever need a lime to keep a secret, you’re in luck! They’re really good at staying “lime-dipped.”
  6. Limes have a natural talent for making people pucker up. They’re the ultimate sour charmers!
  7. Have you heard about the lime that wanted to be a stand-up comedian? It always delivered the zest punchlines!
  8. Limes are very environmentally conscious. They’re always encouraging others to reduce, reuse, and lime-cycle!
  9. Did you know that limes make great detectives? They’re always on the case, investigating lime-related mysteries.
  10. Limes are true party animals. They love staying out late and having a “lime-tastic” time!

Final Thoughts

We hope these Lime jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of food jokes. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.

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