100 Funny Feather Puns That Will Make Your Day

We have gathered 100 funny feather jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best feather puns to cheer you up. These feather jokes are perfect for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these feather one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Feather Puns

Puns About Feather

Here is the list of the best feather puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about feathers, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of feathers!

  1. Why did the feather break up with the pillow? Because it needed some space!
  2. What’s a feather’s favorite game? Tic-Tac-Caw!
  3. Why did the feather go to school? To get a little plume-oma!
  4. How do feathers stay in shape? They do “wing” training!
  5. What do you call a feather that’s always telling jokes? A tickle-feather comedian!
  6. Why did the feather blush? Because it saw the pillow’s “fluff”!
  7. What did one feather say to the other? “I’m tickled pink to meet you!”
  8. Why do feathers make terrible secret keepers? Because they always “fluff” things up!
  9. What’s a feather’s favorite song? “I Want to Fly Away” by Lenny Peck-tavitz!
  10. Why did the feather go to the party? It heard the quills were going to be there!
  11. How do you make a feather float? Take away its anchor!
  12. What do you get when you cross a feather with a kangaroo? A bird that can hopscotch!
  13. Why do feathers always have great advice? Because they’ve been through some “downs” in life!
  14. What’s a feather’s favorite type of movie? Anything with a good “plume” twist!
  15. Why did the feather bring a ladder? To take its “downs” to new heights!
  16. What did the mama feather say to the baby feather? “You’re just a little ‘tweet’!”
  17. What’s a feather’s favorite dance move? The “fluff and shuffle!
  18. Why did the feather get a job? To earn a little “nest egg!
  19. What did the feather say to the pen? “Let’s make some ‘plume’ writing together!
  20. How do you know if a feather is dishonest? It’s always “feathering” its own nest!
  21. What do you call a group of musical feathers? A “tweet” symphony!
  22. Why did the feather feel lonely? Because it was “single plumage”!
  23. What do feathers use to communicate? A “quill-phone!
  24. Why do feathers love parties? They can really “ruffle” some feathers!
  25. What do you call a feather that’s afraid of heights? A “chicken” feather!
  26. Why did the feather get a computer? To surf the “feather-net”!
  27. What’s a feather’s favorite outdoor activity? “Egret”-ball!
  28. What did the feather say to the fan? “You really blow me away!”
  29. Why do feathers always land gracefully? They’ve got “plume-balance”!
  30. What’s a feather’s favorite dessert? “Meringue” pie!
  31. Why did the feather apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to “flourish” its skills!
  32. What do you call a feather with a cold? A “sick” quill!
  33. Why did the feather go to the beach? To catch some “rays!
  34. What’s a feather’s favorite type of TV show? Anything with a “feathered” detective!
  35. Why did the feather take a vacation? It needed some “down” time!
  36. What did the feather say to the ink? “Let’s make some ‘plume’-prints!”
  37. Why did the Feather start a band? It wanted to “ruffle” some musical notes!
  38. What’s a feather’s favorite sport? “Flock”-etball!
  39. Why did the feather go to the gym? To do some “wing” lifting!
  40. What did the feather say to the wind? “You take me to new ‘heights’!”
  41. Why did the Feather go to the fashion show? To see the latest “plume” trends!
  42. What’s a feather’s favorite exercise? “Plume” squats!
  43. Why did the Feather start a blog? It had a lot of “quill” thoughts to share!
  44. What did the feather say to the paper? “Let’s write a ‘plume’-nificent story!
  45. Why did the feather bring a map? To “feather” out the right path!
  46. What’s a feather’s favorite type of weather? “Feather”-brained with a chance of fun!
  47. Why did the feather go to the spa? To get some “plume”-derful relaxation!
  48. What did the feather say to the airplane? “You’re a real ‘flightritionist’!”
  49. Why did the Feather apply for a job as a chef? It wanted to add some “flavor”!
  50. What’s a feather’s favorite holiday? “Fowl”-entine’s Day, of course!

Feather One Liners

Feather One Liners

Here is our top list of feather one liners. Find your favorite one liner about feathers, enjoy it, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Feathers: nature’s tickle machines.
  2. I asked a feather for fashion advice – it just ruffled my feathers.
  3. Feathers: the original lightweights.
  4. Feathers are like fluffy secret keepers.
  5. Did you hear about the rebellious feather? It refused to be pigeonholed.
  6. I tried to count my feathers, but I just kept falling asleep.
  7. Feathers: proof that birds have style.
  8. Don’t challenge a feather to a race – it might just wing it.
  9. Feathers: nature’s way of saying, “Soft and proud.”
  10. The real party animals? Feathers in a pillow fight!
  11. Feathers: flying confetti for birds.
  12. I told my feather a joke – it didn’t even crack a quill.
  13. Feathers: the plumage of possibility.
  14. Birds don’t complain about bad hair days; they blame the feathers.
  15. Feathers: where comfort and birds collide.
  16. My feather pillow said it’s “resting,” but I think it’s just winging it.
  17. Birds have feathers, humans have frizz.
  18. Feathers: the airy armor of avian elegance.
  19. Why did the feather blush? It saw the birds getting fluffed up.
  20. Feathers: because birds can’t rock leather jackets.
  21. Don’t judge a bird by its feathers – but they are pretty cute.
  22. Feathers: softer than a cloud’s hug.
  23. Birds have feathers; I have bed hair.
  24. Feathers: the MVPs of bird aerodynamics.
  25. Fluffier than a feather boa – and less flashy!
  26. Feathers: making birds buoyant and beds comfy.
  27. The best bird selfie accessory? Feathered finesse.
  28. Why did the Feather start a podcast? To share its “plume” of wisdom.
  29. Feathers: what happens when birds get cozy?
  30. Feathers: birds’ way of saying “soft serve.”
  31. Did you hear about the feather’s escape plan? It took flight!
  32. Feathers: because scales just don’t cuddle well.
  33. Birds have feathers; I have a hat collection.
  34. Feathers: the OG fliers’ club membership card.
  35. Why did the feather get a raise? It was a “fluff” worker.
  36. Feathers: birds’ built-in fan club.
  37. Birds preen their feathers; I untangle headphone wires.
  38. Feathers: making birds look good since forever.
  39. Why did the feather go to school? To get “educated plumage.”
  40. Feathers: where fashion meets functionality in the bird world.

10 Best Feather Jokes

Best Feather Jokes

These special feather jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest ones about feathers!

  1. Why did the feather bring a suitcase to the party? It wanted to pack a “light” mood!
  2. How do you make a feather laugh? Tickle it under the “quill”!
  3. What do you call a feather that knows magic tricks? A “plume” wizard!
  4. Why did the Feather get a job as a therapist? It knew how to “feather” the emotions!
  5. What’s a feather’s favorite way to travel? By “airline” of course!
  6. Why did the feather become a detective? It had a knack for “ruffling” out the truth!
  7. What do you call a feather that’s always late? “Slow-motion” feather!
  8. How do you get a feather to stay in one place? “Pin” it down!
  9. What did one feather say to the other at the spa? “Let’s get some “fluff” and pampering!”
  10. Why did the feather go to school? It wanted to “plume” its intellect and soar academically!

10 Funny Facts about Feather

Funny Facts About Feather

Here are some funny and interesting facts about feathers.

  1. Feathers: Mother Nature’s way of giving birds a “fluff” upgrade.
  2. Birds molt – it’s like their version of a “feather makeover.”
  3. Feathers are like bird selfies – always picture-perfect.
  4. Fluff and feathers – are the two main ingredients of a stylish bird wardrobe.
  5. Birds might have their heads in the clouds, but their feathers keep them cozy.
  6. Feathers: proof that birds have their own built-in snuggle buddies.
  7. Birds preen their feathers; I just try to manage my bed hair.
  8. Feathers are like snowflakes – each one is unique and a little bit chilly.
  9. Did you know feathers are like bird business cards? They always leave an impression.
  10. Birds molt their feathers – it’s like a spring cleaning for the avian fashionistas.

Final Thoughts

We hope these feather jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of miscellaneous jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.