100 Funny Armadillo Jokes and One-Liners

We have gathered 100 funny armadillo jokes, hilarious one liners, and the best armadillo puns to freak you out. These armadillo jokes are best for both children and adults to enjoy!

All of these armadillo one liners, puns, and funny jokes are generally family friendly and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Puns about Armadillo

Puns About Armadillo

Here is the list of the best armadillo puns. So sit back, relax, find your favorite puns about Armadillo, and get ready to enjoy a pun-tastic journey into the world of Armadillo!

  1. Why did the armadillo become a detective? He was great at rolling up the evidence!
  2. How did the armadillo get into the comedy club? He rolled in with laughter!
  3. What do you call an armadillo that loves to travel? An “armatravello”!
  4. Why do armadillos make bad poker players? They can’t hide their “tells” under their armor!
  5. What do you get when you cross an armadillo with a musician? A “guitar-dillo”!
  6. How do armadillos send messages? By “snail mail” — they’re slow but effective!
  7. What did the armadillo say to the waiter? “Can I get my food ‘to-go’ in a shell?
  8. What’s an armadillo’s favorite musical instrument? The “harmonica-dillo”!
  9. Why did the armadillo start a band? He wanted to be a “rock ‘n’ roll-dillo” star!
  10. How do armadillos stay in shape? They do “shell-tercise”!
  11. What do you call an armadillo with a sweet tooth? A “candy-dillo”!
  12. Why did the armadillo become a gardener? He wanted to cultivate “armadill-ilies”!
  13. What did the armadillo say to his girlfriend? “You’re the only one I’ll let get close to my heart-shell!
  14. Why was the armadillo so good at math? He could always “shell-ebrate” the right answer!
  15. What’s an armadillo’s favorite game? “Shell and Seek”!
  16. Why did the armadillo go to school? He wanted to improve his “armor-y”!
  17. How do armadillos make decisions? They “roll the dice” and go with the flow!
  18. What do you call an armadillo that plays basketball? A “hoop-dillo!
  19. Why was the armadillo such a great detective? He always followed the “arm-clues”!
  20. What do armadillos use to measure things? A “ruler-dillo”!
  21. Why did the armadillo open a bakery? He wanted to serve “shell-tastic” pastries!
  22. What did one armadillo say to another at the party? “Let’s roll in some fun!”
  23. How do armadillos navigate in the dark? They use their “night-vision-shields”!
  24. Why did the armadillo win the race? He was able to “shield” off the competition!
  25. What do you call an armadillo that meditates? An “armazen-dillo”!
  26. Why do armadillos never get stressed? They know how to “armor-ange” their lives!
  27. What did the armadillo do when he got a compliment? He “armor-blushed”!
  28. How do armadillos like to travel? In an “armor-boat”!
  29. Why do armadillos make good firefighters? They’re experts at “rolling” out the hose!
  30. What do you call an armadillo who loves art? A “paint-dillo!
  31. How do armadillos stay calm under pressure? They “armor-breathe” and relax!
  32. Why did the armadillo start a blog? He wanted to share his “armor-azing” adventures!
  33. What do you call an armadillo that loves science? An “exploradillo!
  34. How do armadillos study for exams? They “armor-memorize” everything!
  35. Why did the armadillo become an astronaut? He wanted to explore “space-shields!
  36. What’s an armadillo’s favorite dessert? “Shell-icious” ice cream!
  37. Why was the armadillo so good at baseball? He had a “catchy” swing with his tail!
  38. What do armadillos do at the beach? They “armor-dle” in the sand!
  39. How did the armadillo win the talent show? He put on a “shell-stopping” performance!
  40. What do you call an armadillo that loves to dance? A “ballet-dillo!
  41. Why did the armadillo start a fitness class? He wanted to teach “shellf-defense” moves!
  42. How do armadillos like to party? With “armor-garitas” in hand!
  43. What did the armadillo say when he met the porcupine? “Let’s stay ‘arm-distance’ away!”
  44. Why was the armadillo so good at geography? He could “armor-memorize” all the countries!
  45. What’s an armadillo’s favorite sport? “Rollerball”!
  46. Why do armadillos love sci-fi movies? They can relate to the “armor-wars”!
  47. How did the armadillo become a fashionista? He knew how to “armor-coordinate” his outfits!
  48. What do you call an armadillo that loves to read? A “book-dillo!
  49. Why did the armadillo become a chef? He loved cooking with his “armor-matic” skills!
  50. How do armadillos like to relax? They “armor-aise” their feet and take it easy!

Armadillo One Liners

Armadillo One Liners

Here is our top list of armadillo one liners. Find your favorite one liner about armadillo, enjoy, and share it with your friends and family.

  1. Armadillos: nature’s armored explorers.
  2. Don’t mess with an armadillo; they’re always ready to roll.
  3. Armadillos: the living tanks of the animal kingdom.
  4. Armadillos may be slow, but they’re well-protected.
  5. Armadillos: the original armored vehicles.
  6. Ever seen an armadillo moonwalk? They’re experts at backing up.
  7. Armadillos: proof that Mother Nature likes her creatures well-defended.
  8. Armadillos: a shell of a good time.
  9. Armadillos: the roly-poly guardians of the wild.
  10. Need protection? Call an armadillo.
  11. Armadillos: the world’s real-life knights in shining armor.
  12. Don’t underestimate armadillos; they’re tough cookies.
  13. Armadillos are pros at curling up for safety.
  14. Armadillos: slow, steady, and secure.
  15. An armadillo’s armor is his best friend.
  16. Armadillos: the shielded wanderers of the animal realm.
  17. Armadillos: armored perfection in the animal world.
  18. Armadillos know how to play it safe.
  19. Stay calm and armadillo on.
  20. If you’re looking for a suit of armor, find an armadillo.
  21. Armadillos: the guardians of vulnerability.
  22. Armadillos are always “shell-fish” about their personal space.
  23. Armadillos: a living fortress on four legs.
  24. Armadillos: proof that safety comes first in evolution.
  25. Ever seen an armadillo race? It’s a slow-paced thrill.
  26. Armadillos: the architects of their own protection.
  27. Armadillos: they wear their security on their sleeves.
  28. Armadillos: tough on the outside, gentle on the inside.
  29. An armadillo’s armor is its exoskeleton.
  30. Armadillos: nature’s built-in defense system.
  31. Armadillos: a lesson in how to be tough and adaptable.
  32. Armadillos: armored but full of charm.
  33. Want a cuddle buddy? Armadillos are probably not your best bet.
  34. Armadillos: masters of survival in a dangerous world.
  35. Armadillos: the art of being well-protected.
  36. Armadillos: when you need a reliable bodyguard in the animal kingdom.
  37. Armadillos know that staying low and steady wins the race.
  38. Armadillos: the slow-moving guardians of the night.
  39. Armadillos: armored up and ready to go.
  40. Armadillos: the epitome of safety first in the animal world.

10 Best Armadillo Jokes

Best Armadillo Jokes

These special armadillo jokes and puns are some of our best and funniest jokes and puns about armadillo!

  1. Why did the armadillo take up music? Because he could really rock ‘n’ roll with that armor!
  2. What do you call a fashion-conscious armadillo? A “shell-stylist” with a great sense of protection!
  3. How do armadillos throw parties? They “armor-ganize” everything and keep it well-protected!
  4. What’s an armadillo’s favorite dance move? The “armor-cha-cha” – slow and steady wins the dance floor!
  5. Why are armadillos so good at football? They know how to “armor-attack” and defend their goal!
  6. What did the armadillo say when asked about his weekend plans? “I’m just going to take it slow and ‘shell-ebrate’ life!”
  7. How do armadillos stay fit? They do “shell-lates” to strengthen their protective armor!
  8. Why did the armadillo go on a diet? He wanted to shed some “armor-gained” weight!
  9. What did the armadillo say to the possum? “You’re lucky you don’t need an ‘armor-robe’ like me!
  10. How do armadillos handle disagreements? They always aim to find an “armor-able” solution!

10 Funny Facts about Armadillo

Funny Facts About Armadillo

Here are some funny and interesting facts about Armadillo.

  1. Armadillos have a quirky way of defending themselves—they roll into a “shell-fie” for protection!
  2. Ever heard of an armadillo marathon? Well, it would be the slowest race ever, but they’re “shell-acious” at pacing themselves!
  3. Armadillos can’t play hide-and-seek very well; their armored appearance gives them away every time!
  4. Armadillos are masters of stealth; you can never hear them coming since they have “armor-padded” feet!
  5. Did you know armadillos are professional landscapers? They love digging and are “earth-movers” in their own right!
  6. If armadillos could take a class, it’d be “Yoga for Armor-bility” to stay flexible inside their protective shells!
  7. One armadillo asked another, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” The response: “Who cares? I’m too slow to catch it anyway!”
  8. Armadillos are the ultimate environmentalists—they recycle their homes by digging new burrows in old ones!
  9. An armadillo’s favorite party game is “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” since their tails are perfect for it, albeit well-protected!
  10. Armadillos are the ultimate homebodies; they carry their houses on their backs and are experts at “shell-quarantining” during tough times!

Final Thoughts

We hope these armadillo jokes brought a smile to your face! If you’re looking for more laughs, be sure to check out our other hilarious collections of animal jokes.
Don’t forget to share with your friends and family. Have Fun!


  • Mr. Jokewise

    Meet Mr. Jokewise, the master of laughter and the bringer of smiles! He is an author who dedicates himself to spreading joy through his funny jokes. He believes that laughter is the best medicine and that everyone deserves a good chuckle to lighten their spirits.